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football is back

Good God,

This week is over. Well almost, just got done at work a few hours ago. Lots of overtime this week. All worth it though, got paid yesterday. Paid off Condemned and put another 100 dollars down on my X-Box 360. Now it decision time, what game to get next for the 360. I’m thinking ether Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter or Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. But I have almost two weeks to think about it.

Football is back. Watched the game on Thursday night, New England over Oakland. Now I hope the Chargers beat the Cowboys

Long Day!


I'm going to keep this short today. Long day at work. And I'm extremly tired. But on a good note. Got bumped up to officer in the condemened union. So overall a good day.

Little more for my X-Box 360 and prepaid for Condemned


Another day off. Delta Force: Black Hawk Down is back at Blockbuster. But still a busy day for my day off. Helped my mom with shopping for groceries, (damn she buys a lot of stuff.) I signed up at my local comic shop to have them now pull the titles I want. I’m cutting back on what issues I get, but it’s still a lot, (Almost 40 issues a month!)

Gas prices are still crazy, hopefully I will win the Texas lotto tomorrow, but I doubt it. I had a few extra bucks so I put another 50 dollars down on my X-Box 360. And hopefully we will get our pay checks this Friday. The place where our checks printed is in New Orleans and with the recent Hurricane they might be delayed for a bit. But when we do get paid, another 100 bucks goes to the X-box 360 and pay off Condemned, (Yep, put 25 dollars down on that today too.)

So that’s about it for now. Tomorrow another long day, and working the next three days.

Labor day = more overtime when I work


So I worked today. And because it’s Labor Day, it’s time and a half all day. Whoohoo!! More cash for X-Box 360. More cash for games! Whooo!

On a side note, I have been looking at X-Men Legends 2. I really want to pick up this game. But I think I’m going to hold off on it for now. All my extra cash is going towards that bottomless pit in my wallet called X-Box 360. Who knows, maybe if I pick it up around early next year I can save a few bucks on the title.

Delta Force: Black Hawk Down gets to go back to Blockbuster tomorrow. All I can say is, “Thank God!” I have written a review on the game already. But can’t post it until I hit level 6, (I’m only level 3 at the moment.) But I really can’t recommend the game. I tried to like the game, but I just couldn’t.

Sunday..Bloody Sunday

It’s Sunday

Nothing too exciting happening today. Gas prices are outrageous , put $25 dollars in my tank and didn’t even get ten gallons. That’s life I guess.

Hopefully we will still get paid this Friday, expecting a huge check, and all the extra cash is going to X-Box 360. Also I’m looking at launch titles I want to put money down on.

So far these are the games I’m going to put money down on for sure.

Condemned, Elder Scrolls IV, Ghost Recon: Advance Warfighter

I might also conceder putting money down on Quake 4, but not sure yet.

Overtime baby!!!!

Here again,

Another long work day over with and one more day to work tomorrow. I won’t complain about it though. I’m getting a huge amount of overtime this week. One bummer I had today, I heard that the Saint’s won’t be having their home opener here in San Antonio. Well, hope we do get to see some games here in town.

Still playing Madden 06, it’s pretty much my main game now. Before that, I was playing City of Heroes like it was crack. But with the X-Box 360 on the horizon, I think I’m not going to be able to keep my subscription. Oh well, it was fun, but I’ve been loosing interest in the game for awhile.

I’m still playing Delta Force Blackhawk Down, but I’m not enjoying the game. I’m trying real hard to get into the game, but it’s just not that fun. The concept would have been great, but the game just feels dated. I’m sure like five years ago, this game would be fantastic. But it can’t hold a candle to other games like any of the new Rainbow Six games or Ghost Recon 2. Just my opinion.

Well, I’m going to keep this short. So until next time…

My day off

My day off, doing nothing and loving it. Honestly, if I was a millionaire, I would just love to sit on my ass and do nothing. But to be honest, my day wasn’t totally wasted.

Went to Blockbuster, picked up a few movies and rented that Delta Force: Blackhawk Down. The game was ok, nothing really special. Graphics needed some improvement, I felt myself squinting to see some baddies off in the distance. The AI wasn’t anything to write home about. Just glad I rented the title instead of buying it.

Mostly on Gamespot, I have been looking up more info on the upcoming X-Box 360 titles. I’m going to give a rundown on games I’m really looking forward too.

Gears of War – This was the game that sold me on getting an X-Box 360. Dark, creepy, just loving it. Graphics look stunning; all the videos I’ve seen on the title are amazing. My only complaint is that it’s not going to be a launch title.

Condemned: Criminal Origins – Another dark, creepy game. From what I’ve seen, this title reminds me a lot of Silent Hill. So it’s a plus for me. Another game that just looks awesome.

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter- Big fan of the Tom Clancy franchise, a fun looking tactical shooter. Squad based shooting games are always fun to play.

Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion – Part 3 was fun on X-Box, I just hope this one is even better.

I’m sure I’m missing a few, but I’ll get to them on another time. Well back to playing Blackhawk Down, maybe I can find some good things about the game. If not, there’s always Madden 06.

Another day, another dollar

What’s up?

Just out of the shower, worked over 13 hours today, Jesus H. Christ. I can’t complain though, got to pay off that damn X-Box 360. But work was pretty good today, no complaints.

All today at break the Television was stuck on news coverage on the Hurricane. So I guess it makes my problems seem a little small. It’s a really sad thing to watch. I donated a few dollars to the Red Cross. I suggest that anyone who can spare a few bucks, donate what you can. I know Gamespot has a link on the website that’s taking donations. It doesn’t have to be a large amount. If everyone who had a credit or debit card just gave a few dollars, it would be a pretty large amount. I mean the few bucks you gave could give someone some food, or help them but a cot so they have a place to sleep, other then the street, or what’s left of a street. Also if you can’t donate cash, the Red Cross always needs blood. Just a thought.

On a lighter note, The Saints are in San Antonio. Rumor has it that they might be playing some of their home games here in town. Obviously it would be great for the city if it’s true. The Alamo Dome has just finished putting in grass in a failed attempt to lure a MLS soccer team to town, (Yeah, S.A. turned down by MLS). Anyway, if it’s true, I’ll be first in line for tickets. This town needs another sports team. The Spurs are nice to have but, this place has over a million people in the area, not to mention Austin is only and hour to the north of us.

That’s pretty much it for today. Still counting the days for the release of X-Box 360. I’ve added a few more games to my wish list. I’m just real tired right now, so off to play more Madden 06

First post

Greetings Humans,

Welcome to my journal here on Gamespot. I’d like to give a quick introduction of myself. I’m Ashton, and I’m very sarcastic. I’m in my mid twenties. I currently live in San Antonio Texas. I moved here from Southern California over a year ago. Not really sure what brought me here to Texas, but really can’t complain too much about the move.

Obviously I’m into video games. But I have taken a hiatus from gamming in general. Not sure why, but I just lost interest in games for almost a year. But with the upcoming release of X-Box 360, and Playstation 3, my passion for video games has returned.

My other interests include electronic and alternative music, comic books, alcohol, and money laundering. Well some of that is true. Right now I’m playing Madden 06 on X-Box, and City of Heroes on PC. But I’m really looking forward to X-Box 360. Already have my money down on a system at a local Gamestop store, now I have to finish paying off the damn 400 dollar beast. And then I have to get the new Ghost Recon game and Gears of War.

Well I should be off, have a 12 hour work day tomorrow starting at 4am. But I’ll try to post again tomorrow night or Thursday. So if anyone reads this and can give me an updated X-Box 360 launch title list of some sort, that’s would be swell.

Well that’s it fruitcake, See ya hooker! :D

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