What I want to know is, what is this "Avengers Project" Ive heard about in the gaming industry? Its a HUGE project supposedly. I think I heard someone talking about it at E3 or PAX. I cant remember.
@badboyfx86: Ive favored Marvel lately. Their movies are great. But I can see DC putting out some great, maybe better, content too. Shazam looks like it may start that trend along with WW 84
@hollywood1: i cant disagree with that. Games ARE awesome. They have been for me since 1982 playing Atari at 7 years old. And i like conversation too. Even if its a disagreement. Disagree with me is fine, but some folks on here need to realize that it doesnt matter which box of componets you, me, or anyone else choose to play games on. My friends and I were teenagers during the ole Sega Genesis vs Super N war, and it was fun arguing with my friends about it, but we drew a line of respect about it. We didnt hate each other and say all these awful things we see here sometimes. Dude you are right. Screw these trolls, Games Are Awesome.
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