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#1 pop_tawt_land
Member since 2006 • 349 Posts
It's pointless arguing with people who have been brainwashed so badly by the anti-drug movement that they won't accept the views of others. I think that being in public while under the influence of any sort of drug should be illegal. It is something that should be done in the private of one's home or with friends in a controlled situation but I don't agree with the complete condemning of all drugs because of the minority of people who ruin their lives on them. There is a line to be drawn though. Drugs that can easily kill people because of the ease of overdose should be illegal. Heroin, meth, alcohol, all are terrible for people. But when it is physically impossible to die because of weed and the government makes it illegal and you guys talk badly about it it doesn't make sense to me.
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#2 pop_tawt_land
Member since 2006 • 349 Posts

Check out ...

Tv on the radio

The Besnard Lakes

The Fiery Furnaces

Les Savy Fav


I indiefied this list for you. Listen to these bands and you'll be one of the cool kids.

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#3 pop_tawt_land
Member since 2006 • 349 Posts

Man, weed grows in the ground. Mushrooms grow in the ground. Those are anything but man-made. Why don't you people think before you argue.


Why don't you read previous posts before making an ass out of yourself. We've been talking about "hard" drugs the whole time. Not weed or shrooms.

you could have said that a litte more nicer. :P

Nah man, if I'm gonna dish it I gotta be able to take it right? We haven't been talking about "hard" drugs this whole time. We've been talking about drugs. Clearly he had no intelligent argument as a rebuttal so he decided to sound like a twelve year old. All drugs are hard if the person taking them cannot handle them. It isn't just heroin and cocaine that ruin lives. Ever seen an acid casualty?

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#4 pop_tawt_land
Member since 2006 • 349 Posts

Back in high school when all we did was get drunk and trash our town. I kind of miss it.

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#5 pop_tawt_land
Member since 2006 • 349 Posts

Right according to who? You? The law? Religion? The Doctor? The old lady down the street?

What is right for one may not be for the other... and there are a lot of things that were once "not right" but then is now "right".


I think I'm going to play the morality card. Usually anything that can cause such negative consequences is quite, well, bad. In that sense, I imagine it's both a morality card and a common sense card.


I'm going to go bust out with the hypothetical card and the generalization card.

Fair enough.. but let's take a step back and put this in perspective... Trying to justify the use of something that can have such horrible consequences with one slip up that not only affects you but those around you. Honestly, trying to justify drug use. What's next? Shall we up the ante a little and try to justify cold blooded murder?

Well one slip up while driving can cause lives too -- lets make driving illegal. And there is something called a trial and the law which enables one to justify cold blooded murder.

I think the need to travel is a little more justifiable than a fleeting moment of unnatural joy. As for the trial, now who's looking to the system to decide for them what's right and wrong?

I'm not looking to it -- I'm just pointing out what already exists. The law isnt perfect and will never be. Thats why its hard to find a law that will cater to the masses because it doesn't always apply. And travel > "unnatural joy" may be justifiable to you -- but some can easily argue that they'd rather be "unnaturally happy" (notice the quotes are because they are based on your idea of what a drug does)

It is "unnatural joy". Man-made substances causing changes in brain state. That seems pretty unnatural to me.

Man, weed grows in the ground. Mushrooms grow in the ground. Those are anything but man-made. Why don't you people think before you argue. Both sides can have valid points if you actually think before you speak. See, for me, drugs are recreational and make certain situations more fun. I only drink and smoke though. I had friends who did heroin but I cut ties with them after over a year of trying my hardest to help them stop. I hate heroin more than I've ever hated anything because it stole the people that I loved and turned them into different people. I'm not saying don't do heroin though. Even after that I won't say that because there are people who enjoy it. Fine. Don't do heroin and expect me to develop any sort of emotional attachment to or bond with you. I refuse to.

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#6 pop_tawt_land
Member since 2006 • 349 Posts

There are loads of NES cover bands.xTheExploited

Yeah but bands like NESkimos and all that just try to turn it into metal. This is more true to the music. Hahaha, I sound like an 8-bit music elitist.

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#7 pop_tawt_land
Member since 2006 • 349 Posts

Yes. I am pikachu.

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#8 pop_tawt_land
Member since 2006 • 349 Posts

I was walking past this guy's room today and I heard this song coming from it that sounded really familiar. And then I figured out it was the Moon Theme from Duck Tales. But not quite. So I asked him what it was and he said it was this band The Advantage that plays covers of songs from NES games. Oh man, this music is awesome. Also, it's a side project for the band Hella if any of you have heard of them. Hella's really good too if you like technical drummers.

The Advantage

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#9 pop_tawt_land
Member since 2006 • 349 Posts

[QUOTE="N8A"]3oz seems like an excessive amountKing_Stones

I know dude. That's what I thought at first. I was just like 100 grams??? Dang. That's $2,000 worth of weed.

It's more around $1,000, unless it's being sold by the gram, then yeah, it could reach astronomical levels like that.

Yeah man. I never have to get any more than a gram for myself and my little bro so I don't know the whole discounts in bulk formulas for weed. But still. That's a lot of weed.

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#10 pop_tawt_land
Member since 2006 • 349 Posts

3oz seems like an excessive amountN8A

I know dude. That's what I thought at first. I was just like 100 grams??? Dang. That's $2,000 worth of weed.