both, DOIT
popopatrol's forum posts
I would call you heaps of stuff if there was no risk of moderation. What difference does it make if he hasn't played either of the games? TC's just commenting on how GT is outselling Forza, not which one he thinks is better.
lol how naive can you be to not read the subtext... Of course TC is implying that GT is better than Forza, this is SW. Here sales determines a games worth, that and grafffixsss
Have a look, he says he's just saying. At the very bottom.
if you truly think that this thread was meant to purely inform people like us about sales of two competing exclusive titles using unsourced numbers and have nothing to do with debating which game is better, then go ahead.
360, payed for it with my own money and my job helped pay for all of the games I own. the ps2 was great, but relying on parents to supply the video games meant very few games. also being really young i didnt appreciate the games as much as i do now
Justin Bieber is the most popular music artist in the world right now meaning he is far more talented and far more deserving than every other artist. Call me a belieber
lol who cares about sales, they are both good games. but you wouldn't know since you probably never played both of them TC
I would call you heaps of stuff if there was no risk of moderation. What difference does it make if he hasn't played either of the games? TC's just commenting on how GT is outselling Forza, not which one he thinks is better.
lol how naive can you be to not read the subtext... Of course TC is implying that GT is better than Forza, this is SW. Here sales determines a games worth, that and grafffixsss
Justin Bieber is the most popular music artist in the world right now meaning he is far more talented and far more deserving than every other artist. Call me a belieber
lol who cares about sales, they are both good games. but you wouldn't know since you probably never played both of them TC
lol release a game with 120+ million handhelds, or only a couple million hmmm pretty sure DS will be better
Note, this is not my work, though the creator of this asked to post this in more places. So here it goes.
MGS4 - 10 - 93% = +7
MGS4 actually went up to 94% on GR, so that makes the difference only 6%!
But the point remains. GameSpot clearly seems to side with Xbox (GS is an American-based company after all). That said, GameSpot still overrates games, but almost every review site does that these days.
haha are you implying that GS is racist (or radical nationalists)? lol that sony doesn't employ Americans, or that the entire SCEA division doesn't exist or that american game companies dont make games for the ps3? I think people buy too much into the whole MS paying off review sites and other paranoid conspiracy theories just to explain why certain games don't score as well as they want.
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