portujoel5's forum posts
You know, If I pay $50 for a game, I find it very insulting to have to keep paying afterwards. It's optional, OK, but why do they want to milk their games like that?
It's hard to make a game, like say, Team Fortress 2? Comparing that game to Gears of War and Hellgate: London; it doesnt require monthly fees, and you are able to use ALL aspects of the game, like ranks (unlike GOW; you gotta pay to play on ranked) and the new maps or any updates will be available to all at the same time (unlike HGL)...
so, you know what, it's possible to make a Game Of The Year, without milking your gamers and ruining your game before launch. I won't buy HGL for the paying reason, same as GOW
edit: I forgot to add that The Orange Box is the best deal ever seen, so... can anybody really compete with that? And if a company is up to it, I'm sure it's not Epic, Microsoft or the hellgay people
you take games to seriously when you belive that:
If you're walking down the streets with a rifle/sword strapped to your back, cops shouldn't bother you because you're not pointing it at people
Crysis, especially thinking about the nano suit and new strategies on how to complete the mission.Iron_will
You know, there are a lot more games besides Crysis.
We are yet to play Starcraft II.
Comparing DOW to Starcraft + brood War is a bit unfair, since DOW has like 3 expansion already, with newer graphics and improved mechanics.
I don't think this will stay 50%/50% when Starcraft II comes out
Well....your question sounds kind of odd. You attack with the left mouse button and you use magic with the right. Also, if you are trying to use your sword, make sure you are in range. Clicking on someone out of range will only make Geralt move within range, so you need to double click to initiate a swing, or make sure that you move within range first. After that just make sure you watch for the queues and left click again to continue your combo.
You already know about the styles, so make sure your watching to make sure you arent being blocked or parried. A good tip if your having trouble with stances is to start with fast style. Your fast style is going to at least be able to hit most enemies (unless they have a shield). If your hitting them and you notice you arent doing much damage, switch to strong style.
The combat really does flow, but it takes some finess. Wild clicking isnt going to get you anywhere. Once you start to master the system and unlock more combos it really is a beauty to watch
hehe this guys even has the witcher as avatar :D
this is such a good game! just read everything ingame, it will help you play
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