Like other said, DON'T buy a cheap Walmart board! Go to a local skateshop and buy a blank board from them, which aren't too expnsive but are still good quality. Also the hardest thing about doing trick isn't getting the technique down, it's summoning up the balls to commit to landing the trick. Once you get over the fact you WILL get hurt you'll start improving faster than ever.
I spent almost 2 years trying to land kickflips, but I could never keep both my feet on the board. Then one day I was really pissed off about something and didn't give a crap if I broke my back skating, so I tried a kickflip and lo and behold both my feet stayed on the board. Since then I got a whoel bunch of other tricks down. Sadly I haven't skated in a long time due to school.
I live in a major city, and the only usefull 'weapon' I have is a baseball unless I could somehow get guns and ammo and move into a secluded area I'd give myself about 3 weeks.
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