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Arma2 free

Arma 2 is a war-sim game

is said to be a realistic war sim game and has been said to be better than Operation flashpoint

since i played dragon rising and loved it

i tryed arma 2 since it was free

the game i my opinion is horrible yea its a old game but it looks ugly

also im just starting to play it and it makes no sense on what my objectives are

TF2 time!!!!

i am downloading team fortress 2 looks verry fun and its has a good community

and its FREE !!!!! so awesome more people are playing it now since its free

i been playing alot on my laptop

playing shogun 2- amazing strat game

mass effect 2- dude this game is awesome

Keep your eyes on this game

this game has the quailty of being a great game

The Cursed Crusade

action/adventure game

CO op online and spilt screen

for Xbox ps3 PC

its look like Army of two but medival looks cool and you can co op kill whch is brutal and awesome

so far from watching its previews and gameplay this game is going to be great

hopefully it dosent disaapoint me

another game added to the game to watch list

you guys should check it out

new laptop= new games

i got a new alienware m14x YESSSSS

and decided to get some new games for it

i brought

Shogun 2- which i am still waiting on

Mass Effect 2- gettingt his later this summer looks good and is cheap 15 bucks new

thats about it going to be fun bro

also i entered a COD black Ops tourney and if i win i get a free game of my choice

and its not a hardcore player list but just a few people(around45) from a trophy/game community website

final final update list

so its almost fall(not really) and i have seen all the demos and previews to see for most of the games coming out this year

and this is my

final update list- unless they come out with a better Brothers in Arms game cause the Furious 4 is not legit enough to be even called in a BIA series

Modern Warfare 3- already pre ordered YEAAA!!!!

Battlefield 3- going to wait on this/unless its really good and if i need it badly

Ace Combat Assault Horizon- waiting on this

Dark Souls- thinking about pre ordereing this

Captain America Super Soldier- getting this when under 20 bucks for sure lol Capt America is the man

Uncharted 3- waiting on this

Ghost Recon Future Soldier- waiting on this

Assassin Creed Revelation- waiting on this

Kingdom under Fire II- pre ordering this when it comes avaible or it becomes wack after i see more gameplay

All the games that say waiting on this means im not going to pre-order them but im going to wait for a deal to come out for them to get it, these games i feel will only for me last like 2-3 months like UNcharted and Asassin Creed series i never played them once i completed it so ima wait on them.. Battlefield 3 is going to last me for away but ima get MW3 and just wait until Mw3 is dead to me to get BF3 or if BF3 gets really good ratings and i cant wait for it any longer then ima have to get it.

i have a steam ID

i finally made another steam account

since i needed one to play and install shogun 2 total war

i had another steam account to play counter strike back then but ever since i stop playing it i forgot all about steam

kz3 helghast edition 60 bucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hurry and get one of the best game series

killzone 3 helghast editon is 60 bucks at amazon.com

it is not to miss deal guys for anyone waitng or have not got kz3 yet

i would get it but i alrdy got kz3

i should have waited


finally brought it

i finally got socom 4 for 45 bucks

so not bad

i plan on playing that and sengoku basara

until mw3 and uncharted 3 gets here

i dont have socom 4 yet as i ordered it from amazon so i got to wait awhile

edit- i may cancel my uncharted 3 pre order and pre order dark souls instead

because demon souls was wicked awesome good

and at amaon gives you collectors edition for no extra charge and probably give you 10-20 dollar bouns

pre-ordered list

i pre ordered

modern warfare 3

and uncharted 3 drakes deception

i dont care what ppl think about COD being the same thing

its fun and i like mulitplayer and single player campign

spec ops is going to be a plus so cant wait for that

uncharted is going to be my main single player campign game after i beat mw3 single player

i dont really care for uncharted mulitplayer wasnt that much fun but i will try it out

i figured out that if bf3 is coming out on Oct 25 i thinkthat during christmas or black friday bf3 is going to be on sale since its would be out for a couple of months

also i feel that i get the upper advantage when i get mw3 first and i would be able to pwn in it and that bf3 dosent take that much experience in it to do good so ima get it later

cant wait for these games man


i traded 7 games and got about 98 dollars from it

not bad since the games were pretty old and i got some for free

im using about 60 for a new game and the rest for reserving or saving up for MW3 or BF3

so since i got cash im thinking about getting Socom 4 or LA NOIRE

Socom 4 is my choice of game so far


LA NOIRE looks great for anyone who has the game is it fun and amazing like RDR where i cant stop playing it

or is LA NOIRE reptitive and boring

also heavy rain kept freezing at the one chapter and doesnt change the sceen but the voices change weird so i traded it in after trying it again today