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that makes 18 now

i have now got 18 platinums yesssssss

last night i got two of the last trophies to earn my place of holder who have earn the black ops trophy

so ima fully focus on ac brotherhood now

also i hate the servers for cod black ops i cant inv frineds to play with me so i have to play split screen wit my buds

toy soldiers look awesome

toy soldier is a stragtegy game

i found out about it tdy when voting for the awards

its only for 360 which i was piss cause i want to play it so bad on my ps3

it looks sooo fun

you can make bunkers, and all that

also you can control planes, the bunkers you make, and sniper towers

its so fun i want to play it so bad god damn

also its cool how you are figthing in a battlefield in some kid's room

lol good concept and idea

i want it

if i get a 360 ima get it

help me

i used the arc10 code for COD black ops

well my friend put it in and i found out that it effects teh closer anayalsis trophy to not be obtained

so wat do i do can i delete the data

patch zombies bad

tdy i dwnloaded the patch for call of duty black ops

and zombies says that you need a higher clearnce level to play

five and dead ops arcade online

wat the heck i got to lv 18 the highest and how can i unlock five again

do i have to use that code to unlock it now

also they got better contracts now in mulitplayer

it would suck that you need a higher clerance level to unlock it now since sum ppl cant get that far like me as zombies is better intense and hard

so i cant get my trophy and cant get plat unless i get to unlock five stage

im confuse on what i have to do

back from suspensions

i got suspeneded for bad mouthing a guy who was a total fake

anyways im back

and nothing new has happen

i justed almost their to getting plat for COD BO

but zombies trophies are a pain its not hard but its all luck to get the crossbow and baltic knife

anyways im getting real better at COD BO

my k/d ratio is now a 2.30 not bad

im about to go 2nd prstige

i still have ac brotherhood havent played it for 2 weeks now dont know why

i guess i want to plat cod bo first

blacks ops master

you heard it i have now beat it on vet mode

now just need all intels

and 4 zombie trohpies and bing

18th platinum

im at 91%

and yes pppl i love getting platinums



you decide which is better


i want GRFS as i havent played a 3rd eprson shooter since brothers in arms

so i may skip over kz3 and get GRFS as COD BO and assassin creed brotherhood is enough for me for now

but i know ima get kz3 when i watch the reviews so ima try and stop myself

also i watched some of the HBO series The Pacific

i have to say its good

but i get pissed off on how the japanese soldiers only charge and no strategy

i know they always did some banzai and thats how they fought back nin the fedual times

but i hate when they kind of make the enemies weak

like in some movies the germans get kill so easy and the american side only loses like 1-3 guys

and i real life the german were more highly treain and had better equipment

black ops trophy glitch

fear has come true the worst

i read that many ppl have encounted the same problem

mostly sum have beat the levels on vet but the trophy dosent pop up

some have got all the trophies for beating the levels on vet but not the trophy for beating it on vet

wow talk about bad luck

i so far go the two trophies for beathing the first five mission

for the next trophy i had to beat numbers, project nova, and vitor charile

i beat all the other two missions on vet but then when i beat victor charile mission in vet i dindt get trophy

im not piss as vitorc charile was a easy mission and i beat it 3 times and still no pop up

i know i beat project nova on vet as i got the trophy for getting off the ship under 2 mins

but Numbers i may have beaten it on vet cause i felt it was too easy

so hoefully it was numbers and i just have to beat it again

if not then i have to play all three again with non stop

as sum have said if you quit and save in mid level it glitches and the best thing is to just straight up beat it in one sitting

i hate this trophy glitch

the game is awesome but trophy is stupid glitchy

if you got any info plz help me

demon soul 2 = Project Dark

i heard that there is going to be a new demon soul sequel but it is called project dark (i tihnk that is name)

t=its going to be mulitplatform which sucks

as i liked it when only demon soul was for ps3

which made ps3 looks better as it had a awesome game that evy1 needed to play

i heard that the develpoers called it project dark so they can get more gamers to buy their game(demon souls)

they changed it cuase sony owns the title "demon Soul"

so its pretty much a sequel and just has a different name

hopefully they had cooler looking weapons and better armor

as the 1st had a few armor to pick from

also better bosses to fght and more world to counquer

got AC brotherhood n NBA 2k11

so on wedsnesday

i went to kmart to get assassin creed brotherhood for 40 bucks

when i got there i ask one of the workers



dude are their anymore assassin creed brotherhood for ps3

and he said yea let me check

then after a couple of mins of searching he said there was no more

i was pissed as i had to walk in the damn cold to get to kmart and get this awesome game

so i just chilled and searched alittle more

then i found it

hidden behind all teh displayed games was Assassin Creed brotherhood for ps3!!!!!!!!!!

so i got it and was like made either they hide it from me or they didnt know it was back there

anyways i played it for a long time i am on sequence 3

and i tried mulitplaer once

and the game is totally awesome

also i borrowed nba2k11 from a buddy

worst basketball game ever

too much ads

take too long to get the ball when you are free shoting or get the ball from out of bounds

now to call of duty black ops

still awesome game

im prestige lv 22

k/d ratio is 1.93

my fav gun is famas, enfield, and the l9 someinhg the sniper rifle one

i still have to play vetran mode but ill think ill try it later on