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Pinewood Derby and Video?

Hello all,

We had a Daddy/Daughter Pinewood Derby today!! It was so fun. My....kart?....was called the "Nash-a-nator" for the Phoenix Suns! It was painted purple and Orange with basketballs all over.


I got SECONDplace! :lol:

I won a pedicure...

Here is the "script" to my friends video that cracks me up.

Daniel: We are going to get the random bryan doing random things...lets go outside and see if we can see him. Theres mom. SAY HI MOM!!
mom: hey mom...
Dan: she's enthusiactic.*pause* A FOOT! a cracking foot.
Bryan: Give me the stinking cat...THE PRETTY KITTY...
Dan:say smiles!
Bryan: Whoaz.
Daniel: Hey baby...hey...meow. I know I know. Its choir. Hey luna, luna come back. She's our black cat...she's bad luck to us but we love her anyways. OK! Bye bay-bay. There's Bryan!! That was a frontflip.
Bryan: I said frontflip...
Dan:you said blackflip...
Bryan: THIS is my back flip. Wait i messed up lemme go again. woo! Umm...this is my butt-flip. This is meh knee flip. I'll do a kartwheel.
Daniel: Fabulous.
Daniel: WAIT PAUSE!!
Bryan My whole body not just me!
Daniel: K GO! your whold body not just you? Thought you said summer-sault...
Daniel: oh ok!
Bryan: Here's a back kartwheel thing.
Daniel: Fabulous.
Bryan: What else can I do?
Bryan: They're asleep
Daniel: No they...isnt....lets go see if we can see the demon chicks. Lighitng....I dont think you can see that on the camera....WHAT IS THAT? *Thunder* HOLY CRAP! Its gonna rain!!
Bryan: Thats rain everybody!
Daniel: no...thats thunder...and everyone knows lightning comes after thunder...K whats in here
Bryan: No...thunder comes after LiGhTnInG
Daniel: Thats what I meant...I hear them but I cant see them...get em...
Bryan: DANIEL! come on
Daniel: They're attacking me!!! UMM. thats not cool...get me outta here.
Bryan: No.
Daniel: Get me out PLEASE? GET ME OUT!!!
Bryan: *takes camera* Hello everybody. Now we're gonna see what it looks like when I do a backflip.
Daniel: GET ME OUT!
Daniel: get me out...
Bryan: so long every peoples!

No idea what to call this but if you dont read this...

A cup of pudding will come and drown you in pudding at exacally 2:06 AM tonight!! (NO JOKE)

Why is pudding so dang GUD? Im eating my 15'th cup of it (jk)

You guys have seen the "numa numa" dance right?

LOOKIES--- (new numa!!)

What did you guys think of my friend's video??

I have sum quotes from it.

Daniel: Say smiles!
Bryan: This is my butt-flip
Daniel: say HI MOM!!!
Anita/Daniel's mom: hey mom...
Bryan: Its a pretty kitty!
Daniel: HOLY CRAP! Its gonna rain!
Bryan: So long every peoples

SORRY!! That is just the funniest thing I've ever seen. man---Daniel cracks me up! (I love that child!)

You know what peoples are so lucky to be in the presence of my website. For reals. You know how many people in the world dont have the privlage to read all my random blog posts and totally fabulous forum posts? APPRECIATE IT!!

Word of the day: Fabulous

Quote of the day: Vegans can go suck an egg! (Courtesy of Azlynn)

"To year 3000 this song had gone multi-platnum everybody bought our 7th album it had outsold kelly clarkson"



I think Mariah is mad at me....its really depressing having your best friend be mad at you! No joke. We have no cla$$ together and only see eachother in the morning and lunch. She used to be so hyper and "jolly"

maybe she's on her period...that probably it....

My sister is such a terd!! Omg...its so fun to tease her too! I was on the computer but I went to as my mom something and when I come back she was reading this and I was like "Your face!" and she got all mad and threw a cup at me...I was just stating that she had a face...

Have you guys seen FMA? If so, you know the one where Hughes daughter was like "Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations"? Well---today it was someones birthday and I was like "Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations". I was glad Fullmetal alchemist waz invented.

I dont like S!!! I like Z!!!

ps---if you like S I will hunt you down and CUT YOU LIKE A FISH!!!


Jack Sage Scar the second

EDIT: I got these pictures in an email from Azlynn

puss in boots - Shrek 2 - Antonio Banderas - Flixster Photo its puss in boots!

Johnny Depp - Pirates of the Caribbean  The Curse of the Black Pearl - Johnny Depp - Flixster Photo You'll remember this as the day you almost caught Cap't Jack Sparrow!

ITS A THONG - Shrek 2 - Flixster Photo LOLZ

little bro of mine - Gekijyouban hagane no renkinjutsushi Fullmetal Alchemist The Movie  Conqueror of Shamballa - Flixster Photo cute!

 teen girl squad!!

 hey look! its jet!


 DANG!!! :lol:

 she kicks DONKEY!


(For the picture above) AWWWWWWWWW Its even got their mommy.
*throws popcorn at mommy* TRAITOR!!! Same goes for you Hohenhiem!

Thats alll....


JSS2 (jack sage scar the second)



teasing Claire and a funny video

OM9! Isnt it fun to tease people?

I figured this out at lunch today.

We were in line for lunch and this guy that my friend Claire likes was working in the line we were in and we went up and we were like

"OK!!! OK!!! We want...3 pizza's, 7 NON-BURNT cookies, 3 clear gatoraides, and 10 packages and crushed peppers." and she (Claire) kept yelling at us "Why do you guys harass him?!?" :lol:

then---when we got to the table---Claire took off all her peperoni's and I was like "wtf, Claire...are you like a vegetarian or something?" and she was like "No!!! I just dont like meat so I dont eat it" So I said "Well---vegetarians dont EAT meat and neither do you so technically you are a vegetarian" and she got upset. Then all day whenever I saw her I would say "Hey vegetarian!" and finnally she cracked and was like "IM NOT A VEGETARIAN D@MMIT!" 

:lol: it was quite funny.

Then---right before 6th hour---me and Azlynn were like (to Claire) " like Skye dont you?" and she's like "No...he already has a girlfriend" and I said "Ya he!! You can call your kids "Skye-atarians"(skye and vegetarians combined ;)) and she got mad and said "I have a boyfriend but its not Skye and he's in 9th grade." and I was like "Oh ya? Whats his name?" and she just walked away...


Here is a video my best friend Daniel made on youtube...its so funny! (SAY HI MOM!!!) 


Chibis  - Gekijyouban hagane no renkinjutsushi Fullmetal Alchemist The Movie  Conqueror of Shamballa - Flixster Photo


I like that piccy!!! :D Chibi-chibi!

Well---Azlynn finished FMA!!! HURRAH! Now I can talk to her about the movie without her getting mad at me. Do you guys remember when I was level 1 and I was like "OMG!! I watched this show called FMA and I love it but im embarassed about watching it"


Azlynn is having a b-day party and its gonna be fun.

Watch this video (so cute....bye bye)

I just sneezed really weird...:P

My friend Preston needs to take a chill pill!

toldja it'd be random.

OM9!!! Mr. Coleman is so stupid!!! I went to the nurses office for a "feminine object" (as they call it) and was the bell rang while I was in there. So I was like *to the nurse* "Uh...can I have a pass cuz the bell just rang..." and she was like "Oh sure---um---take this fork, its as good as a pass" I took it and was like "I dont think he'll accept this..." and she was like "Who do you have?" So I told her and she said "Oh---he knows im weird. He'll accept it."
So I go to cla$$ and give him this fork and he's like "what this...."
so I said "my pass....the nurse gave it to me"
And he was like "2 things. 1- Even if this was a pass it wouldnt of counted because I already took the attendance your parents will be getting a call saying you ditched. 2- What were you doing that was so important that you needed to miss some of cla$$?"
I was like "its kinda personal...." and he was like "Come on---whats was so important?" and obviously I went red and just sat down and said "nothing...."

UGH!! I hate that guy!!

Why must there be such a thing as sweat?

My 8-year old sister just said she doesnt know how to make her bed! BULL!!

thats all for now

My mom is such a nagger...I hate it!

~Easter and the movies~


I got some good stuff. Mostely books, candy, and lipgloss kinda stuff. I got a cute fluffly rabbit.

I saw Blades of Glory. It was ronchy and I didnt really like it. But it was pretty dang funny.

Thats all I got for now (:o)

~Good Friday Party~

~Good Friday Par-tay~

 Well---it wasnt all too (to?) fun...when I got there me and my friends just kinda walked around. We played Volleyball...then we walked around some more---and talked. Then we went Ice blocking. The more walking and talking

Then it got ugly.

We went up to the patio (type thing) to get drinks and Morgan put and ice-cube down my back...then it turned to water...

then to pop.

Nikki threw some orange soda on me. It got in my hair not to mention STAINING my favorite shirt. So I threw some on her. And my friend Maddie's (hostess) dad yelled at us. We didnt get kicked out tho.

So me and Chelsea *another victim of the pop-throw*  walked home and changed out of out soda-soaked clothes. But my hair got all crusty and sticky and I didnt have time to take a shower so I just put it into a messybun.

But after the little soda-fight Chelsea had to stay home. So I invited my 10-year-old sister to come (:)

When we got back---we just got in a circle and were talking...

Then the "popular" girls started screaming because they found out Clarke likes Rylie (omg...) and just kept doing that.

Then Katelyn and Morgan went home.

Then Maddie, Krin, and Cythinia ditched us.

Then it was only me, Mikayla, and my sister.

We just swang on the swings and talked.

Then I glanced over at the populars and there was the cute guy I was talking about *why was he there?*

Then---Clarke, Matthew, Cute-boy, and Kyle had a soda fight...

Then me, Mikayla, and my sister went to find Carlos.

We found him with Austin and they were sucking Helium...that was the funniest part of the night.

Then we (Me, Mikayla, my sister, and Carlos) walked down the hill and Carlos threw a stick at a tree that had lights on it.
So Kyle started chanting "He broke the tree!"

Then we found Maddie but the second we saw her she said " gonna go tell Mason something"...stupid!! that little...

So it got boring. Plus---the cute guy (not to mention everyone else besides Mason's friends) went home so me and my sister decided to (too?).

So now im home. At the computer in my over-sized T-shirt and basketball shorts and wet hair.

That was my day...described it good, eh.

"freeze all you gangstas"




Why must everyone copy other people? Cant they thing of their own words or clothes (or whatever) me and my friend Azlynn were bored one day so we "colored" our hair. (We just used a washable marker and colored it) and now EVER one is coming to school with multi-colored hair....STUPID!!!!!!!


Today in geography we went to the library to do some research on our countries we were doing reports on---Mr. GAYman (Coleman is his real name) made me, Leslie, Joseph (the weirdest kid on the face of the earth) and Wayne sit by him...I wasnt even talking..Leslie was talking to Elle!!! But he said he "heard me"!! STUPID...He just sits there saying "you're going to be sitting with me at lunch and picking up trash." and I was like "Why are we gonna get a detention??" and he said "because you havnt finished yet..and I was like (in my head) "Wtf? Its due Monday not today.."



Me, Azlynn, Breya, and Stephy moved our lockers into the not used (?) area of the locker room. We did this the beginning of the semester. NOW---Dylann, Adrianna, and Beth have "moved in". Its sooo stupid! Again---they just copy everything me, Azlynn, and Breya do! Azlynn is even more obsessed with FMA then I am! She drew a transmutation circle on Breya's, mine, and her lockers....:P....Me, Breya, and Azlynn are such losers...its not even funny. We were playing Flag Football for PE and we had to wear red flags (which is British...;)) and we're all "Im 'Erry Potta" 'waltzing' around on out 'broomsticks'.

"Im Harry Potter and I suck at football! Thats why I play Quidditch"


Today---Claire brought a big bucket that had 64 easter eggs in it. She gave our whole today eggs. Then...Dillion (the boy Dillion) comes up and says "Hey---can I have an egg?" and Claire like "Sure...take the whole thing." and he's all "REALLY?" and runs off with them and just throws them at people...


Other stufff:

OK!! Dylann (the girl one) used to like this guy named Matthew so me and Shaila decided to go and say hi to him. So we did and he like....glares at us. He like got all mad at us.

But darn is he cute (nah jk)

Its sad!!! I dont think me and Mariah are as close as we used to be...I dont know what happened.

Thats all for now...I hope you all love  my  hyper and random life



stupid friend

My friend is stupid!!!

Listen to this conversation we had on aim:

(im bfflolodolphins)

bfflolodolphins (5:10:20 PM): who do u like?!
FashunnB (5:10:32 PM): I'M NOT TELLING!!!!!!!
bfflolodolphins (5:11:03 PM): WHY
bfflolodolphins (5:11:13 PM): ??
FashunnB (5:10:52 PM): because
bfflolodolphins (5:11:27 PM): because why?
bfflolodolphins (5:12:01 PM): i didnt tell anyone who you liked before...
FashunnB (5:11:49 PM): i kow...................
bfflolodolphins (5:12:18 PM): kow?!
FashunnB (5:12:13 PM): but if i tell 1 person i hav 2 tell everyone
FashunnB (5:12:29 PM): thats what happened last time
FashunnB (5:12:52 PM): with shaila & azlynn
bfflolodolphins (5:13:17 PM): you dont have to tell everyone
bfflolodolphins (5:13:24 PM): then dont tell shaila or azlynn
FashunnB (5:13:01 PM): i know.....
FashunnB (5:13:15 PM): its not that easy
bfflolodolphins (5:13:42 PM): ya it is..
FashunnB (5:13:27 PM): no its not
bfflolodolphins (5:14:00 PM): is!
FashunnB (5:13:52 PM): thayd HATE me if they found out i told u and not them
bfflolodolphins (5:14:22 PM): then they wont find out.
bfflolodolphins (5:14:25 PM): i wont say anything
FashunnB (5:14:07 PM): i know
bfflolodolphins (5:14:34 PM): THEN TELL ME
FashunnB (5:14:16 PM): but i can't lie to them
bfflolodolphins (5:14:43 PM): i will then
FashunnB (5:14:29 PM): NO
bfflolodolphins (5:15:00 PM): your stupid...why cant you lie?
FashunnB (5:14:48 PM): i'm agood mormon
FashunnB (5:14:54 PM): a good
bfflolodolphins (5:15:20 PM): mormon?
FashunnB (5:14:58 PM): ***
bfflolodolphins (5:15:26 PM): what does that have to do with it?
FashunnB (5:15:04 PM): mormon
FashunnB (5:15:18 PM): your not suposed 2 lie
FashunnB (5:15:32 PM): thats what the prophet said
bfflolodolphins (5:16:01 PM): OMG!!!! not to like...the bishop!!! but who gives a crap about your friends?
FashunnB (5:15:50 PM): i do
bfflolodolphins (5:16:31 PM): stupid!!!!! you dont have to tell them so lying is ok in this situation
FashunnB (5:16:19 PM): OMG tylers calling me
FashunnB (5:16:33 PM): never mind its his mom
bfflolodolphins (5:17:34 PM): i mean---thats like saying if someone asked you if they liked their project and you said "no thats ugly!!" and they're like "wtf? your my friend!! you dont say that!" and you answer by "well---the prophet told me not to lie so im telling the truth" no cool!
FashunnB (5:17:44 PM): omg
FashunnB (5:17:53 PM): thats not ling
FashunnB (5:18:03 PM): thats being a good friend
bfflolodolphins (5:18:35 PM): no you now what...its not!!!
bfflolodolphins (5:18:45 PM): LYING not LING
FashunnB (5:18:30 PM): ya whatever
bfflolodolphins (5:19:00 PM): its you know anything?
FashunnB (5:18:43 PM): i can't spell 4 my life
bfflolodolphins (5:19:45 PM): you dont KNOW how to be a good friend!!! you made mariah cry because your NOT a good friend! and now your excuse for "telling the truth" (which is just another excuse to be mean) is that your a good morman and the prophet told you not to lie?
FashunnB (5:19:48 PM): OMG
bfflolodolphins (5:20:14 PM): what?
FashunnB (5:19:59 PM): your so weird
bfflolodolphins (5:20:26 PM): WTF?!?!
FashunnB (5:20:11 PM): what????????
bfflolodolphins (5:20:35 PM): do you not understnad
FashunnB (5:20:18 PM): no i don't
bfflolodolphins (5:20:42 PM): *understand
bfflolodolphins (5:22:07 PM): telling a lie or telling the truth can change someone's feelings for you. would you wanna get into a fight because of something so small as a little white lie? I mean if someone says "does this make me look fat"? its pretty much a rhetorical question!! they want you to say "no" even though they know the answer is "yes"! Ok? they dont WANT to know the truth!!!!
FashunnB (5:22:13 PM): ok forget every thing i said
FashunnB (5:22:25 PM): but im still not telling you
bfflolodolphins (5:22:55 PM): that is so stupid



I hate that girl

Good times in PE!!

Oh my gosh!!! Azlynn is the funniest girl (besides ME of course. jkjk) ever!! Today before the bell rang she goes

"JESSICA!!! I JUST WATCHED FMA EPISODE 21 AND IM SO MAD AT NINA'S DAD!!" and I was just like "AWESOME!...I hate that guy!" and then she starts playing with her hair and says "SO...what up?" and im just like "nuffin'." and then she screams at he and pushes her hair in my face. SHE "colored" on her hair with Pink marker. It was soooo hilarious because we were talking about Harry Potter. Breya was like "Im Hermionie Granger...have you read Hogwarts, A History?" in a british accent and Im like "Im professor Umbridge...NO!! Headmistriss Umbridge!" in an attempt for a british accent and then Azlynn says "IM GINNY WEASLY!!" and Breya's like "But you dont have red hair!" and Azlynn says "I will!!! EVENTUALLY!" so...she did! :lol:

You had to be there...

I have a problem...I got invited to 2 parties on Good Friday...I know you guys are thinking "go to both...half-way through both" but this WONT work!! BECAUSE THEY ARE IN DIFFERENT CITIES! One is from someone in my old town and the other is from someone here.

BUT---A cute guy is going to the one here and I know the girl who's throwing it more then the guy who is throwing it down there.

What do you think?

See my old friends or see my best friend and a cute guy?

OK---I did my report for English today. I think it went pretty good :D

Again---colorful! But I dont care!! :lol:

:D OMG---they have FMA comic books at my school! Should I check one out?

thats all for now


Word of the day: Chicka

Quote of the day: Isnt it cool? *Points to metal arm*




I just got this message...

"Your score has been adjusted for a terms of service violation.

Reason for moderation: Sexually explicit/racist/hate speech and threats
Action Taken: Delete Review - You lost points for this moderation.

See your moderation history for details."


 No---I think I know what it was. I wrote a review about Vannessa Anne Hudgens..I kept saying how much I hate her... :roll: