How come there is no all of the above option. :(Anyways, it would be great to have all that stuff, especially demos, patches,and DLC.
Super Macho Man, his opening, victory scenes, and movesare awesome, although I loved star punching Bald Bull when he does his bull charge.
Wow, Europe's Club Nintendo catalogue is waaaay better than NA's, I wish I could get SMG's soundtrack and I need a new DS, :( lucky Europeans.
Listening to certain kinds of music and playing video games usually calm me down, and if I'm really mad I just finds something that makes me laugh.
Star Fox (SNES version)DucktalesThe SNES and 64 PilotwingsYoshi's IslandMegaman X 1-3Bango Kazooie and TooieGoldeneyeDonkey Kong Country 64and a few more I can't remember.
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