****All of the wires will be taken care of oncewe come back from vacation**** My Room: 40in Samsung LCD HDTV, HD DVR, Samsung Bluray Player, XBOX 360 ELITE, Nintendo Wii, 20gb PS3(Soon to be replaced with 60gb or 80), XBOX 360, WII, PS3 Game collection, controllers, guitar hero guitar, Microsoft wireless steering wheel, 5.1 Surround Sound, and other various accesories.
OtherRoom: 23 in LCD HDTV Samsung, DVD Player, Ice Blue XBOX 360, 2.1 surround sound
Family Room: 40 in Sony Bravia, XBOX 360 Core. I know the fireplace color is messed up, we are changing it soon.
My Office: Dell XPS 710 H2C and My Halo 3 360 will go there too.
Vacation house setup: XBOX 360 ELITE(from my room), 32in LCD HDTV Samsung TV, HALO 3 Zune
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