Ya i've seen Gamespot use bad tv settings on certain consoles in past system comparison articles so i'm not really inclined to trust this. Regardless it's obvious that PC would be the way to go in this case anyway. If you don't have a gaming rig but you own both systems just grab it for the system that makes you happiest. Mine would be the PS3 because my 360 doesn't have an HDMI port....thanks a lot Microsoft.
*spoilers*Final Fantasy 10 comes to mind..... YAY we finally defeated Sin, now we can be together...GAH TIDUS, YOU DON'T ACTUALLY EXIST!!! *disappears* :'(
Both systems are amazing in their own rights so this article is just causing nothing but trouble. Not like I expected any less from the Gamespot staff with their constant "Xbox 360 is the greatest thing ever. PS3 is always a bugged piece of crap" attitude they put in every single multi-plat review they make. That attitude has already been proven to be wrong by many who like me own all the systems and try games on both platforms but really all they are doing is trying to cause trouble. Please for the sake of everyone's sanity on here...stop this system war nonsense now.
protokyoto's comments