[QUOTE="DrinkDuff"][QUOTE="ps3pluspc"][QUOTE="DrinkDuff"][QUOTE="Ragnarok1051"][QUOTE="cosmostein77"]So the arguement now is that since Sony has some great A exclusives on PS3 it somehow has a better gaming Library then 360 or Wii that offer great AAA exclusives? ps3pluspc
No, just that lemmings bash the library when in reality it's a very good library of games.
Replace the words "very good", with "somewhat decent" for get a more accurate statement.And 360 has Halo 3 (overhyped let down), Mass Effect (overhyped interactive slideshow) and Gears(love it on PC!)
Other than that, 360 has basically nothing but mostly PC shovelware.
Please, do some research next time. If you took the time to look atsome stats you would see that the 360 has morequality titles no matter how you slice it.Anyway all of those games you listed are arguably better thanPS3's entire lineup, even if they are overhyped in your opinion, but then I notice that you are probably a fakeboy,so good day.NAME some of these GREAT games I should go get a 360 for?!?!
You guys keep bashing PS3's library but I don't see you NAMING any great 360 games outside of Halo, Gears and Ass Effect. One of those I have, the other two look lame. Both will be on PC running on MEDIUM BETTER than they ran on 360.
So... how about some NAMES????
So yeah, four pages of this crap and none of you Lemmings could ever NAME me any good 360s game I need to get other than Gears, Ass Effect and Halo...BECAUSE THERE REALLY AREN'T ANY.
The 360 library sucks. It's old news. Lemmings KNOW it sucks. They talk about Halo, Gears and ME and THAT'S IT. PS3 players have a lot of great games and the older titles like Resistance still hold up well.
PS3's first year games are better than 360s by FAR. Who buys Perfect Dark or Kameo anymore? Answer? No one. They suck.
The 360 is all rrod and hype. Just like Halo 3 was hype and Ass Effect is hype. At least Halo 3 sold a few systems.
http://ps3pluspc.blogspot.com/ My blog for PS3/PC stuff. Xbots feel feel free to troll.
Ok, I got crap to do. See ya!
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