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#1 ps3pluspc
Member since 2007 • 31 Posts

[QUOTE="cosmostein77"]So the arguement now is that since Sony has some great A exclusives on PS3 it somehow has a better gaming Library then 360 or Wii that offer great AAA exclusives? ps3pluspc

No, just that lemmings bash the library when in reality it's a very good library of games.

Replace the words "very good", with "somewhat decent" for get a more accurate statement.

And 360 has Halo 3 (overhyped let down), Mass Effect (overhyped interactive slideshow) and Gears(love it on PC!)

Other than that, 360 has basically nothing but mostly PC shovelware.

Please, do some research next time. If you took the time to look atsome stats you would see that the 360 has morequality titles no matter how you slice it.Anyway all of those games you listed are arguably better thanPS3's entire lineup, even if they are overhyped in your opinion, but then I notice that you are probably a fakeboy,so good day.

NAME some of these GREAT games I should go get a 360 for?!?!

You guys keep bashing PS3's library but I don't see you NAMING any great 360 games outside of Halo, Gears and Ass Effect. One of those I have, the other two look lame. Both will be on PC running on MEDIUM BETTER than they ran on 360.

So... how about some NAMES????

So yeah, four pages of this crap and none of you Lemmings could ever NAME me any good 360s game I need to get other than Gears, Ass Effect and Halo...BECAUSE THERE REALLY AREN'T ANY.

The 360 library sucks. It's old news. Lemmings KNOW it sucks. They talk about Halo, Gears and ME and THAT'S IT. PS3 players have a lot of great games and the older titles like Resistance still hold up well.

PS3's first year games are better than 360s by FAR. Who buys Perfect Dark or Kameo anymore? Answer? No one. They suck.

The 360 is all rrod and hype. Just like Halo 3 was hype and Ass Effect is hype. At least Halo 3 sold a few systems. My blog for PS3/PC stuff. Xbots feel feel free to troll.

Ok, I got crap to do. See ya!

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#2 ps3pluspc
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[QUOTE="TekkenMaster606"]So basically you need 2 pieces of hardware that cost more than the Xbox 360. Do you know how crazy this sounds? What a compliment to the godliness of the Xbox 360's library. :lol:sadikovic

How about you post up what the 360 had in its first year.

-Dead Or Alive 4

-Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter

-Kameo: Elements of Power

-The Outfit

-Perfect Dark 0

-Project Gotham Racing 3

-Ridge Racer 6

-Saints Row

This was just launch... not counting the rest of the year.

How many exclusives did the PS3 have on launch... oh right not worth the post for 2.

-Dead Or Alive 4 - Ok, you got me on one. Don't like those games anyway

-Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter - I got GRAW 2 on PS3, looks better

-Kameo: Elements of Power - the game got low scores. Got ratchet anyways

-The Outfit - Scored low, Warhawk much better

-Perfect Dark 0 - low scoring crap, Resistance is better

-Project Gotham Racing 3 - Don't want it. Hear its ok but I like GT5

-Ridge Racer 6 - Got Ridge Racer 7,scores higher so don't need it

-Saints Row - looks so, so, scored an 80 avg. meh

So, yeah nice try but you proved my point. No need for a 360.

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#3 ps3pluspc
Member since 2007 • 31 Posts

Fine lets compare AAA and AA games then.

360-55 AA ( 9AAE) PS3 29 AA (4 AAE )

360 12 AAA (4 AAAE) PS3 6 AAA (0 AAAE)

No need to count the "A" games. If the TC needs to add "A" games to help the PS3 game list then it just shows how bad of shape the PS3 is in.


Why don't you guys NAME some of these GREAT 360 games everyone is missing out on? NAME something other than Ass Effect and Halo 3. try NAMING some games I CAN"T GET ON MY PC that I should go out and fork over some $$$ for a new 360?????

Let me help you out:

Blue Dragon? No

Viva Pinata? No

Kameo? No

Perfect Dark? No


What a sad attempt at damage control. Once again a PS3 user needs to hide behind the PC because the PS3 has the worst game libary. I could care less if the list makes you want a 360 or not. Fact is more people do find the 360 game libary better then the PS3. That is why there is a bigger gap between the 360 and PS3 then the PS3 has even been able to sell. Seems those bad 360 games have lead the 360 to having the best software sales and PS3 the worst.

PS3 sold as many consoles in one year as 360. 360 is not selling better. In fact it is probably selling WORSE since 1/3 of those sales are from RROD. And on top of that 360 had basicaly ZERO competition in year 1 and PS3 COSTS MORE and is competining against that monster called Wii AND 360. The 120 million PS2 user base and those facts don't look good for 360 overall. But keep believing whatever you like.

The 360 library sucks for the most part. That's why none of you are NAMING any games people should pick up 360s for. A ton of people have PCs with hardware powerful enough to run the older 360 games which are on PC. So that huge library of PC shovelware is becoming more and more meaningless as time goes on. Most new PCs today will run ALL of the 360s old library... SO THERE IS NO POINT IN GETTING ONE IF YOU HAVE A PC. Just buy a $39 360 controller and plug it into your PC. Done deal.

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#4 ps3pluspc
Member since 2007 • 31 Posts

[QUOTE="cosmostein77"]So the arguement now is that since Sony has some great A exclusives on PS3 it somehow has a better gaming Library then 360 or Wii that offer great AAA exclusives? DrinkDuff

No, just that lemmings bash the library when in reality it's a very good library of games.

Replace the words "very good", with "somewhat decent" for get a more accurate statement.

And 360 has Halo 3 (overhyped let down), Mass Effect (overhyped interactive slideshow) and Gears(love it on PC!)

Other than that, 360 has basically nothing but mostly PC shovelware.

Please, do some research next time. If you took the time to look atsome stats you would see that the 360 has morequality titles no matter how you slice it.Anyway all of those games you listed are arguably better thanPS3's entire lineup, even if they are overhyped in your opinion, but then I notice that you are probably a fakeboy,so good day.

NAME some of these GREAT games I should go get a 360 for?!?!

You guys keep bashing PS3's library but I don't see you NAMING any great 360 games outside of Halo, Gears and Ass Effect. One of those I have, the other two look lame. Both will be on PC running on MEDIUM BETTER than they ran on 360.

So... how about some NAMES????

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#5 ps3pluspc
Member since 2007 • 31 Posts

[QUOTE="cosmostein77"]So the arguement now is that since Sony has some great A exclusives on PS3 it somehow has a better gaming Library then 360 or Wii that offer great AAA exclusives? TekkenMaster606

No, just that lemmings bash the library when in reality it's a very good library of games.

Replace the words "very good", with "somewhat decent" for get a more accurate statement.

And 360 has Halo 3 (overhyped let down), Mass Effect (overhyped interactive slideshow) and Gears(love it on PC!)

Other than that, 360 has basically nothing but mostly PC shovelware.

The PC does not need defense. IT DEFENDS YOU! :lol:

Halo was an overhyped let down? ROFF. To you maybe but to the rest of the gaming community it's a critical success that obliterates any Playstation 3 exclusive. Mass Effect. Better than any exclusive PS3 RPG. And Gears of War, not available on the Playstation 3. So how does it being on the PC help the Playstation 3's game situation? It does not. :lol:

Back to WAITING cows.

"And Gears of War, not available on the Playstation 3. So how does it being on the PC help the Playstation 3's game situation?"

Because quite a few gamers also have PCs(like me) so I don't need a 360 to play half of its library.

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#6 ps3pluspc
Member since 2007 • 31 Posts

Fine lets compare AAA and AA games then.

360-55 AA ( 9AAE) PS3 29 AA (4 AAE )

360 12 AAA (4 AAAE) PS3 6 AAA (0 AAAE)

No need to count the "A" games. If the TC needs to add "A" games to help the PS3 game list then it just shows how bad of shape the PS3 is in.


Why don't you guys NAME some of these GREAT 360 games everyone is missing out on? NAME something other than Ass Effect and Halo 3. try NAMING some games I CAN"T GET ON MY PC that I should go out and fork over some $$$ for a new 360?????

Let me help you out:

Blue Dragon? No

Viva Pinata? No

Kameo? No

Perfect Dark? No


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#7 ps3pluspc
Member since 2007 • 31 Posts

[QUOTE="cosmostein77"]So the arguement now is that since Sony has some great A exclusives on PS3 it somehow has a better gaming Library then 360 or Wii that offer great AAA exclusives? DrinkDuff

No, just that lemmings bash the library when in reality it's a very good library of games.

Replace the words "very good", with "somewhat decent" for get a more accurate statement.

And 360 has Halo 3 (overhyped let down), Mass Effect (overhyped interactive slideshow) and Gears(love it on PC!)

Other than that, 360 has basically nothing but mostly PC shovelware.

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#8 ps3pluspc
Member since 2007 • 31 Posts

This argument would be alot better if you included the lineup for the 360's first year.blackldragon

Kameo? Perfect Dark Zero? Too crap 1st year 360 titles that got completely OWNED by 1st year PS3's Ratchet and Resistance.

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#10 ps3pluspc
Member since 2007 • 31 Posts

Whenever I see that avatar, I already know I'm heading to a post filled with fanboyism and blindness.

I haven't even read your post and I'm sure someone will prove you wrong if the thread lives long enough... For like 5 posts.


I love it when people respond to my threads "I didn't even read your post..." and then proceed to make a post in my threads. Way to make an argument, guys. Oh, and no one has proven me wrong yet.

WHy do you Cows persecute me so much? I am just trying to spread the word, yet so many of you shoot me down every chance you get? It's so unfair! Oh, and to the 20 or so people tracking my posts, I hope you read this. **waves**

Cows persecute you because you like to be persecuted. Your threads are always the worst form of magical thinking. Never really grounded in reality, just your pointless PS3 hate. Sony is producing good games in its exclusive lineup. More so than either Wii or 360. PS3 has had a slew of really good games this year. Of course xbots and Wiibots have all of these scores they point to like anyone gives a crap if you rate our games AAA.

Cooking Mama, Ningabread Man, Viva Pinata, Blue Dragon, Conndemned, Kameo, bla, blah blah are not strong titles that push those systems. 360 and Wii have literally a handful of games that are must have.

360 has Halo 3, Mass Effect and Gears. THAT'S IT. YOU KNOW THAT IS ALL IT HAS. Halo 3 was overhyped. Mass Effect is a flop. Sure it has a few other games but so what? Any thing else that was ever any good on 360 I HAVE ON MY PC RUNNING BETTER. Perfect Dark? No one cares about Perfect Dark. People DO still care about Resistance!

Not even going to go into Wii. Wii has a crapload of Mario junk, Zelda and Wii waggle/Wii-fit crap games. THAT'S IT. AGAIN, YOU KNOW THAT IS IT. Third party games don't sell on Wii that well.

PS3? Warhawk, Resistance, R&C :TOD, Uncharted, Motorstorm, Lair, Heavenly Sword, Eye of Judgement, Folklore

Crap. It cut my post. Anyways, All of those are considered GREAT games with the exception maybe of Lair which is hated by quite a few. Sony's exclusives are BETTER just face up to it.

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