[QUOTE="Xolver"]Whenever I see that avatar, I already know I'm heading to a post filled with fanboyism and blindness.
I haven't even read your post and I'm sure someone will prove you wrong if the thread lives long enough... For like 5 posts.
I love it when people respond to my threads "I didn't even read your post..." and then proceed to make a post in my threads. Way to make an argument, guys. Oh, and no one has proven me wrong yet.
WHy do you Cows persecute me so much? I am just trying to spread the word, yet so many of you shoot me down every chance you get? It's so unfair! Oh, and to the 20 or so people tracking my posts, I hope you read this. **waves**
Cows persecute you because you like to be persecuted. Your threads are always the worst form of magical thinking. Never really grounded in reality, just your pointless PS3 hate. Sony is producing good games in its exclusive lineup. More so than either Wii or 360. PS3 has had a slew of really good games this year. Of course xbots and Wiibots have all of these scores they point to like anyone gives a crap if you rate our games AAA.
Cooking Mama, Ningabread Man, Viva Pinata, Blue Dragon, Conndemned, Kameo, bla, blah blah are not strong titles that push those systems. 360 and Wii have literally a handful of games that are must have.360 has Halo 3, Mass Effect and Gears. THAT'S IT. YOU KNOW THAT IS ALL IT HAS. Halo 3 was overhyped. Mass Effect is a flop. Sure it has a few other games but so what? Any thing else that was ever any good on 360 I HAVE ON MY PC RUNNING BETTER. Perfect Dark? No one cares about Perfect Dark. People DO still care about Resistance!
Not even going to go into Wii. Wii has a crapload of Mario junk, Zelda and Wii waggle/Wii-fit crap games. THAT'S IT. AGAIN, YOU KNOW THAT IS IT. Third party games don't sell on Wii that well.
PS3? Warhawk, Resistance, R&C :TOD, Uncharted, Motorstorm, Lair, Heavenly Sword, Eye of Judgement, Folklore
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