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#1 ps3pluspc
Member since 2007 • 31 Posts

Whenever I see that avatar, I already know I'm heading to a post filled with fanboyism and blindness.

I haven't even read your post and I'm sure someone will prove you wrong if the thread lives long enough... For like 5 posts.


I love it when people respond to my threads "I didn't even read your post..." and then proceed to make a post in my threads. Way to make an argument, guys. Oh, and no one has proven me wrong yet.

WHy do you Cows persecute me so much? I am just trying to spread the word, yet so many of you shoot me down every chance you get? It's so unfair! Oh, and to the 20 or so people tracking my posts, I hope you read this. **waves**

Cows persecute you because you like to be persecuted. Your threads are always the worst form of magical thinking. Never really grounded in reality, just your pointless PS3 hate. Sony is producing good games in its exclusive lineup. More so than either Wii or 360. PS3 has had a slew of really good games this year. Of course xbots and Wiibots have all of these scores they point to like anyone gives a crap if you rate our games AAA.

Cooking Mama, Ningabread Man, Viva Pinata, Blue Dragon, Conndemned, Kameo, bla, blah blah are not strong titles that push those systems. 360 and Wii have literally a handful of games that are must have.

360 has Halo 3, Mass Effect and Gears. THAT'S IT. YOU KNOW THAT IS ALL IT HAS. Halo 3 was overhyped. Mass Effect is a flop. Sure it has a few other games but so what? Any thing else that was ever any good on 360 I HAVE ON MY PC RUNNING BETTER. Perfect Dark? No one cares about Perfect Dark. People DO still care about Resistance!

Not even going to go into Wii. Wii has a crapload of Mario junk, Zelda and Wii waggle/Wii-fit crap games. THAT'S IT. AGAIN, YOU KNOW THAT IS IT. Third party games don't sell on Wii that well.

PS3? Warhawk, Resistance, R&C :TOD, Uncharted, Motorstorm, Lair, Heavenly Sword, Eye of Judgement, Folklore

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#2 ps3pluspc
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This current gen only has a few years left, so you would think that after a full year that dev's could make multi-plats equal for the 360 and PS3. Other than a few exceptions from stellar devs (COD4, Obilvion), the 360 versions of multi-plats STILL smoke the PS3 versions, with Orange Box being the latest example. Cows used to make the "oh, give the devs a chance to figure out the PS3" excuse, in the hopes that one day these seasoned professional game devs would have some grand epiphany and start making multi-plats that were just as good as the 360 version. After all, the PS3 is vastly more powerful than the 360, right?

Well, "power" be damned- it doesn't mean a thing if devs can't figure out how to use it. And these devs are the best in the world at making games and figuring out how to develop for different consoles. Face it, the PS3 was designed primarily as a blu-ray player, at the expense of massive headaches for game devs. And the results speak for themselves- devs simply do not want to spend the extra time and expense to make a multi-plat that is at least equal to the "laughably inferior" 360.

Sony was arrogant in their business model for the PS3, and their lack of forsight in making a machine that devs can develop easily on was probably their greatest mistake (other than the $600 pricetag), and will be a lesson to console makers for generations to come. At least we can rest easily at night knowing that the next iteration of the beloved playstation will not make the same mistakes, or at least we can dream...... (and possibly the PS4 will actually have BC so that we can pick up RFOM and Motorstorm in the bargin bin for $5 each)


This is a dumb post. The reason is obvious. Devs are not up to speed on PS3. PS3 cod4 looks and plays just like 360 and better in some cases because harddrives are standard on PS3. The mipmapping on PS3 cod4 also looks way better on PS3 from what I've noticed. Uncharted looks BETTER than cod4 with its lighting and texture effects but runs at 30 fps rather than 60. I'd wager Uncharted is not even possible on 360 due to hard drive limitations and HD Drive limitations. Uncharted uses about 25 gigs of the blu-ray they say.

The 360 can barely even run Ass Effect and Halo 3 runs in 640p. Most of the games that don't run well on PS3 are buggy and glitchy on ALL platforms, indicating it is programming problem(Assasin's Creed?). Armored Core 4 for example looks better on Xbox 360 but the game is crap. It should be able to run on a PS2.

But yes, keep deluding yourself that the PS3 sucks.

BTW, why aren't you playing your C+ score Cooking Mama game instead of on here all the time posting PS3 hate threads???

The problem is a programming problem. Not a problem with the power of the PS3 and this will be proven in time.

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#3 ps3pluspc
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Gamespot gives it an 8.5. Gamespot is one of if not the hardest critics who reviews games. 1/2 point away from AAA status is not a mile. IN their review they nitpick and often exagerate things. Gamerankings has it at 93% after 27 reviews.

The story and attention to detail is jus mind blowing. Information on techonology, races, planets, ships, rank, etc. I have spent hours jsut reading through my codex just looking at the information I have unlocked. I"m 23 hours in and have barely even touched the main story.

This is an epic game and one that no rpg lover should miss. Miles better then morrowind and an evolution from Kotor.


gamespot review is a joke, if this is not a 10/10 game, what the hell is ?

There are too many technical glitches for this game to be a 9.5+

Yep. And here's a nice one:

It's overrated. Bad game no. Overhyped and Overrated? Probably.

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#5 ps3pluspc
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Meh, it's denial, Mass Effect flopped, lemmings need something to make them feel good inside....

oK, if that's the case, give me an adventure exclusive 360 game that scored better than Uncharted, but is in the same exact genere?


What genre is Uncharted exactly, action/adventure? Does Kameo qualify? If not, you are right, the PS3 has that genre locked up (if one game counts as locked up). All the other genres belong to the 360. gives Kameo a 79 averag, uncharted an 88 give Kameo 81, uncharted an 88

So that would be a big NOPE.

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#6 ps3pluspc
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360 beats the PS3 in exclusive AAA's, AA's, and A's. So whether he is talking about AAAE's or not he's still wrong.


The only defense you guys have is Gamespot. Makes sense you're here than 1up or IGN. It favors your argument, right?

And the only defense you have is 1UP and IGN. Why not use Gamerankings? Oh wait that's because you would still fail. This is GS not 1UP or IGN. You wanna use those scores then go to their forums. Even if you look at the scores across the board at MetaCritic or Gamerankings the results are still the same. That's kinda sad that you would cherry pick a couple sites. I mean at least you could have used the sum of all parts. But yes even then you are still wrong.

Ratchet and Clank Future isn't even AAA on Gamerankings.

Who cares if Lemmings and Sheep gave R&C an AA score. It's still more fun than Ass Effect.

360 has THREE games worth caring about Halo 3, Ass Effect and Gears. All of those will be on PC. Wii has SMG, Metroid, and Zelda. This Wii60 circle jerk of rating your games high to make you feel better about the fact that Wii and 360 basically have no great exclusives except in NAME only is pathetic. Ass Effect is Dragon's Lair in Space full of hours of chit chat and diologue trees and lame ass buggy rides.

But yes, keep propping up this tired wet dream that the world is dying to play Ass Effect because "pro reviewers" give it AAA. Never mind the fact that the stupid game isn't actually selling all that well.

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#7 ps3pluspc
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3,2,1, Go. TekkenMaster606

Ass Effect? Is that the game with 1/3 cut scenes and talk, 1/3 buggy rides and 1/3 lame combat?

The one with crap frame rates, crap load times, very linear gameplay, empty unpopulated planets and repetive terrain?

Enemies with no AI that charge right into your line of fire head on while you shoot the crap out of them?

The one with a boring Dune buggy rides with crap controls?

Are we talking about the same Ass Effect game?

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#8 ps3pluspc
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what is the ps3 going to do that will make it all of a sudden king? let me tell you something about the videogame industry. many if not all people buy a system because their FRIENDShave that system and they played on it multiple times. if your FRIENDS dont have a ps3 then why would you? lets face it either a system needs to come out first or be extremely different from the others (like the wii) to win. why would you want a ps3 and 360? i doubt your FRIENDS have both. most likely just the 360 and thus you will most likely get a 360. its the way the industry works and until people stop having FRIENDS its going to stay that way. im_different

Some people buy consoles, not because they want to spend all day online with their FRIENDS. Some people buy consoles because they simply like them better, like the exclusives better than other consoles and don't care much for consoles that break and suck and have online games full of tons of zit faced 12 year olds screaming obscenities.

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#10 ps3pluspc
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[QUOTE="Roushrsh"]Yay for accameron and his/her fanboy rants, cant wait till the PS3 gets its first AAAe here on gamespot so that you will have to leave gs for a day ^^accameron

I hope that the PS3 does get an AAAe one of these days. It obviously is not going to happen until mid 2008 at the least, though. It is criminal how Sony is ripping off its loyal customers- in the legal world, this is known as "conversion" of their money. Why don't you Cows ever realize this? Sony made a crap system, with crap games flopping all over the place, and you sit there saying "thank you sir, can I have another?" as the lashes rain down.

Wow. You are just a hopeless PS3 hater. PS3 DOES have AAA games... but when the guys reviewing the games are jealous Lemmings and Sheep then you get skewed ratings. Everyone in the "Real World" knows that Uncharted>>Ass Effect>>Halo 3

Sure Halo 3 got better ratings than Uncharted? But ask people in the "Real World" about Halo 3 and many, many 360 gamers will say its a let down and not all it was hyped up to be. So they move on to COD4. Same with Ass Effect. Ask people on all sides about Uncharted and they generally say it is a great game and technically amazing.

So who cares if reviewers hand out 9s and 10s to basically all hyped 360 games. Those numbers aren't reality. In the "Real World" I am having more fun on PS3 with Warhawk, COD4, Uncharted, Resistance, Motorstorm, Lair, Ratchet and Clank, Heavenly Sword then guys watching 4 hours of Ass Effect cutscenes or Wiiers waving their arms around in Cooking Mama. Who gives a **** if sites don't want to give PS3 AAA ratings on its games. We know the games are fun.

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