Also, the UK* purchased more Xb1's than it did PS4's last week...
*The UK is part of Europe.
If you're gonna trash talk at least do it properly.
Also, the UK* purchased more Xb1's than it did PS4's last week...
*The UK is part of Europe.
If you're gonna trash talk at least do it properly.
Microsoft made USA features but those features DOES NOT WORK IN Europe. So well done Microsoft. Europeans are not Hamburgers fans. We don´t buy cheapest things, we but most quality things.
I am European, I like hamburgers, just saying.
You are a cock, just saying.
Looks good, but then so did driveclub once. :) jk
@ps4pete: and 72 is bad for a new ip ?
if so your library must be verry small
Good or bad isn't up for debate (though if you are looking for definition technically 72 is "average" according to metacritic) what is up for debate is how absurd it is to be celebrating Driveclub's small gain in sales over Forza Horizons 2 when clearly Driveclub is very badly received as a piece of shit by it's users and half of the reviewers whereas Forza is very much hailed as a great enjoyable game by both users and critics.
Now if you are personally enjoying Driveclub, and I am sure some people are, that's great - but posting crap about sales just smacks of desperation in the face of having a lemon game on your hands.
It's an an embarrassment to us adult PS4 owners in all honesty. If I could have Forza on PS4 I'd be happier, nothing to be ashamed about.
New low for the cows... caring more about sales than the quality of a game :s
If true, all this shows is how desperate and uneducated sony fans are. Kinect Sports Rivals = Driveclub
Obviously the fact that DriveClub is selling well despite being panned by everyone unlucky enough to play it just shows how desperate PS4 gamers are for new games; we will take anything, ANYTHING!
As I said in another thread - Forza users are enjoying their driving game (4.8 out of 5 on Amazon) whereas us Sony users have shown our disappointment with a user score of 2.9 out of 5 on Amazon US. What's more have you seen the thousands of posts the DriveClub Facebook page is getting? Aint nobody happy with DriveClub that's for sure. So while Forza guys are sat there having fun, DriveClub fans are up in arms complaining and generally having a shit time.
I know which seat I'd rather be sat in.
Are you guys really putting units shipped over your own pleasure? Is that the ultimate goal?
You may as well be saying "we have a really crap game that none of us actually like, but hey more people brought it this week so we are really happy bunnies, yay!"
That isn't what gaming is about. No wonder the industry has gone to shit.
IGN says otherwise the biggest game site
more relevant
gamespot is a small gamesite
less relevant
ohh and most gaming sites scored DC great
Gametrailers, Videogamer, CVG, Gamesradar, Venture Beat, Digital Spy, Gameinformer, Polygon, Destructoid..
i mean just look how stupid gamespot looks under all those other sites LINK
stay mad
You are joking right?
You've cherry picked 1 or 2 more positive reviews and you want to say they are the only ones that matter now?
If you want to have a reliable critical score by professional game critics I have a great site for you - it's called Metacritic. It's good, it collates reviews from trusted sources and currently they have DC down as 72 vs 85.
Regardless, isn't it the users opinions what matters? What about all the unhappy users? What about the 2.9 on Amazon vs 5.8?
If you want to debate, at least learn how to do it properly.
@ps4pete: yeah i agree PSN has flaws... but these guys are blaming PSN for DriveCliub (eveolution studio managed) server issues.
This is not the case. Sony don't have the money MS does, nor the infastructure. As PS4 players, we have to accept this and understand that its getting better over time. PSN has many features that destroy XBL (no payway being the first, i mean being forced to pay to use a web browser? that is just insanity) Share Play is coming soon which MS has no answer too, remote play (still done via PSN) is another feature that MS has no grasp of
Can't think of anything XBL does that PSN doesn't? with the exception of stability
Ok my mistake. Yeah the DriveClub issues have nothing to do with PSN - it's not even a capacity issue (which most people are assuming) Evo Studios have all the capacity they need, but they are having software issues with the servers themselves.
Apart from reliability I'm not really seeing much difference, the UI of Xbox suits my eye better but that's subjective. They seem to have more apps too and better media support but we have the shareplay and the virtual reality.
I accepted the fact that no matter which one I kept it would be a compromise on something.
@RR360DD: Consoles networks ain't as closed as you think
for example. PSN goes down.. not an issue. I can still play war thunder or Dust 415. Still watch netflix etc etc
And who said anything about MCC? were talking about back in the day when Bungie ran the servers... not part of MS at all
Who cares about back in the day? We're talking about now.
If anything, you've helped prove that Sony are in fact still behind the times when it comes to infrastructure. Makes you wonder what the hell all those PSN subscriptions are actually going towards.
you avoided my point quite well there
back to the point.. if XBL goes down can you still play free to play games? or any online games? nope.... nawwwwww thats gotta hurt :(
The problem is XBL seldom goes down (at least on 360 it didn't anyway) whereas my 6 weeks experience with PSN and it seems to go down more frequently than a prostitute I knew back in Wisconsin.
Obviously the fact that DriveClub is selling well despite being panned by everyone unlucky enough to play it just shows how desperate PS4 gamers are for new games; we will take anything, ANYTHING!
As I said in another thread - Forza users are enjoying their driving game (4.8 out of 5 on Amazon) whereas us Sony users have shown our disappointment with a user score of 2.9 out of 5 on Amazon US. What's more have you seen the thousands of posts the DriveClub Facebook page is getting? Aint nobody happy with DriveClub that's for sure. So while Forza guys are sat there having fun, DriveClub fans are up in arms complaining and generally having a shit time.
I know which seat I'd rather be sat in.
Are you guys really putting units shipped over your own pleasure? Is that the ultimate goal?
You may as well be saying "we have a really crap game that none of us actually like, but hey more people brought it this week so we are really happy bunnies, yay!"
That isn't what gaming is about. No wonder the industry has gone to shit.
Maybe grenade launcher likes the game, he'd be in a small group lol, but he's welcome to his opinion - a couple of my mates quite like it.
Having had several hours of gameplay this weekend, for me, Forza is years ahead. DriveClub can look better at times, driving into the sun is annoying as hell but it's also quite realistic in that sense and it adds to the atmosphere - the Scottish tracks are my favourites.
But that's about where the positives end. DriveClub looks good but to get there they have had to place loads of restrictions in the game such as invisible walls, hardly any cars or tracks, no options for the cars they do have etc. You can't even reverse more than 5ft without it resetting the game. You can't turn around either and go around the track backwards, it also resets after about 5m. Even the original PS1 let you turn around and go backwards. It's as if they had 100 resources, and put 99 into the look of the game and 1 into the gameplay, online features etc.
My guess is they had pressure from Sony to release early due to the competition from Forza in winning the hearts of driving fans. I don't think it's worked.
The game may be selling well on Amazon UK @GrenadeLauncher but that will be down to the fact that there are many more of us PS4 users than Xbox users. There i no denying that despite the higher sales, the PS4 owners are the unhappy ones - DC is currently scoring 3.2/5 vs forza's 4.8/5. It's even worse stateside with DriveClub having a very poor score of 2.9.
Forza is the 4th most popular game on Amazon UK actually, with driveclub not even showing.
So regardless which you prefer, this is system wars and Xbox owners are winning as the happier gamers, that much is a fact, and Sony really need to take note and release a decent racer.
Dc is only my second purchase after moving to ps4 from xbox 360. Servers still down, wtf. psn down half the time as well.
The term more powerful console should be taken with a grain of salt.
Not impressed at all.
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