@Pedro: everyone was shitting on microsoft, when they were trying to get into the console industry, who u fooling kiddo? Half these people are posers lol.
ps5rulez's forum posts
if anyone that should be asshurt it should be me, someone who supported xbox since launch november 15th 2001 before a bunch of posers jumped on board pretending to be xbox fans, yes it was sad seeing the brand go to complete shit im over it atleast they tried to improve some things even tho they arent there yet.
all this people are still asshurt from xbox one reveal btw don mattrick, get over it cunts he's no longer with microsoft lol.
You can have the greatest tools in the world at your disposal, but if you just are a shit artist you are shit no matter what and that's what it's come down to just no great minds behind this stuff anymore.
The only thing that's gotten better is the advancement of graphics engines, but the things being built with those engines are shit the actual content being made is of shit quality.
Movie creating technology has gotten better, yet the quality has suffered.
You have better recording technology than ever before, but the quality has suffered aswell.
That's pretty fucking shitty.
Glad imma fucking xennial 1984,. not a fucking millenial i got to see gaming go from being great to complete shit im not just being grumpy like some old man i've seen it all before and im telling u the goddamn truth.
. Xennials are described as having had an analog childhood and a digital adulthood.
Crysis 2 2011 looks better than doom2016 and doom eternal,that's how you know gaming is officially dead doom2016/doom eternal are nothing more than crysis 2 gameplay recycled, you had double jumping and climbing and even a ground pound in crysis 2 plus ''quick time event kills'' hell and even a cover system.
Hell crysis 2 atleast had a special direct 11 pc rendering mode plus a high res texture pack released for it over consoles, doom2016/eternal have no special rendering mode all you get is slightly better textures and shadows than console well and higher fps of course no actual high res texture packs released for it like crysis tho.
Doom2016/eternal are so last gen aka 10 years ago it's fucking insane man.
That was the final nail in the gaming industry's coffin legit legit.
I knew gaming was officially dead when, doom2016 was finally shown in 2016, they turned a highend pc game into a console game with last generation graphics filled with last generation QTE tropes.
Was final nail in the coffin.
When doom3 was shown it was graphically so fucking amazing, when doom2016 was shown it was like uh, man this looks so last gen lol.
There's a very good reason, i've only bought like 2 games in like 10 years, that's because 99.9 % of the shit today is complete dogshit.
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