So here it is another sunday night but tonight is awesome because the 2008 Video Game Awards are on Spike. I figured this was a really good time to write another blog. So lets get it kicked off. I just wanted to outline a few of the highlights for yall.
Opening with a bang: Gears of Wars II Combustible Map Pack available tonight at midnight. (I am definately picking this one up ASAP)....
Having LL Cool J going old school with mama said knock you out on stage with UFC President Dana White and some top UFC Fighters priceless. (mad props)....
Best Shooter Award 2008 also Best Xbox 360 Game - Gears of War 2, Did anyone have any doubts ??? Hands down the best shooter of 2008 IMO....
God of War 3 Preview - Oh So Sick. (man ive been waiting on this one for awhile, this one had me drooling).
World Premiere of Fight Nite Round 4 - I never really got into the first Fight Night but this looked pretty cool with a fight demo between Mike Tyson and Muhammed Ali.
Best Independent Game - World of Goo. (i have never even heard of this one but it had to be pretty good to win).
As im watching this i kinda wonder if these big name people are really gamers. I kinda wonder if they are just hosting these shows for the paycheck or publicity. After all there are alot of us gamers out there, its good exposure for them. I just wanted to throw that out there.
The Most Bad Ass Voice in a Video Game - Big Name in the Game Award - Kiefer Sutherland Call of Duty World at War. (you gotta admit it was cool to hear Jack Bauers voice in a video game).
Gamer God - Will Wright (creater of SPORE).
Grand Theft Auto IV The Lost and Damned - This is going to be an awesome add-on to GTA IV.
Street Fighter The Ledgends of Chun Li - This struck me as kind of funny, the 2 hosts who gave out best RPG Award were mentioned as being up-coming stars in a new street fighter movie. I didnt catch the hosts names but the guy was oz from american pie. I didnt recognize the girl though. Alot of people i know didnt like the first one but i loved it, cant wait for the new movie.
Best RPG Game - Fallout 3 (nice i actually voted for this one online).
World Premiere of Uncharted 2 Among Thieves - Well it looks like Drake is at it again, this time hanging from a cliff inside a bus lol.
World Premiere of Terminator Salvation - By now im sure we all know that video games based on movies most of the time are not very good but bro this trailer was sick. It kinda reminded me of Fallout on Steroids. Definately going to be checking this one out. John Connor + Stillnomercy = Skynet Down, Permanently Down lol.
50 Cent Performance (i would have rathered eminem but hey it was still a decent performance).
Watchmen Game - Another sweet title. This one kinda reminded me of marvel ultimate alliance remade.
Best Music Game and Best Soundtrack - Rockband 2.
Best Studio of the Year and Best PS3 Game - Media Molecule - Little Big Planet.
Best Fighting Game - Soulcaliber 4
Best Graphics and Original Score - Metal Gear Solid
Best Multiplayer - Left4Dead
Best PC Game - Left4Dead
Best Driving Game - Burnout Paradise
Best Individual Sports - Shaun White Snowboarding
Best Female in Game - Jenny McCarthy - Red Alert 3
Best Male in Game - Michael Hollick as Niko Bellic - GTA IV
Best Game Based on a Movie - Lego Indiana Jones
World Premiere Brutal Ledgend
Game of the Year (presented by that hottie Megan Foxx from Transformers) - Grand Theft Auto IV (man i have no idea how GTA IV beat out MGS 4 and GoW 2, i mean dont get me wrong GTA IV was a good game but not Game of the Year good).
LMAO there was a skit at the end of the show where Jack Black was in bed with a xbox 360 and a playstation 3 and well they were doing the nasty. All of a sudden his wife (a nintendo wii) showed up with his son (a ds lite) and well the wii pulled out a pistol and shot him lol..
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