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psdsoldier25 Blog

Quote of the Day.....

So heres the deal starting today im going to be doing a quote of the day type thing. This is something i do in my professional life for the people that work for me. Most of them will be military or leadership type quotes. For those of you that dont know i head up a Close Protection Team and ive found that it inspires my guys so i wanted to share them with all of you peace......


"Therefore, I say: Know your enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated. When you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are equal. If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself, you are sure to be defeated in every battle."

-Sun Tzu, The Art of War, c.500 b.c.

25K Update...

Well here we are, the last time i blogged i was on track to hit my 25K gamer score. I was hoping in a months time i would have it but it didnt quite work out that way. Ive been working 7-12 hour shifts at my job so ive had hardly anytime to play. I have played alittle bit, i finally finished Assasins Creed and i have to say it was an awesome game alittle repetitive but all in all a good game. I also finished the DLC for Fallout 3 and had a blast through it all. I have to say that Fallout 3 has definately become one of my top favorites of all time. Anyways that brought my gamer score up to 21,386K im pretty pleased but i wont be satisfied until i reach 25K. I am kinda getting the feeling that i will never be satisfied with the whole gamer score thing, i can throw out a number where i want to be but when i get there im only gonna want more lol.

I just picked up a couple new games Ghostbusters, Prototype and Resident Evil 5. I have not started any of them yet. Im kind of waiting until im off turnaround work and i have more time. Either way im pretty sure there gonna be awesome. Oh yeah to all of my fellow gamespotters me and my girlfriend went and saw Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen last night and if you have not seen this movie yet you need to, it was EPIC if you liked the first one you will love the 2nd one. Thats about it for now ill update later, peace....

20K Gamerscore.....

Finally 20,000 gamerscore, man it seems like it took forever to get to 20K. About a month ago after much thought i decided i would start working on completing all of my old games. Ive got probably 125+ games for my 360 so ive had my work cut out for me. When i decided to start finishing all of my old games my gamerscore was at 16,800 and i set alittle goal that in a months time i wanted to break 20K. Well my plan worked and it feels good. I finished Oblivion and Fable 2 with max gamerscore. Currently im working on Fallout 3 and next up is Assassins Creed and Mass Effect. So i guess ill set another little gamerscore goal. In one months time i want to be 25K hopefully ill make it.....

2008 Video Game Awards...

So here it is another sunday night but tonight is awesome because the 2008 Video Game Awards are on Spike. I figured this was a really good time to write another blog. So lets get it kicked off. I just wanted to outline a few of the highlights for yall.

Opening with a bang: Gears of Wars II Combustible Map Pack available tonight at midnight. (I am definately picking this one up ASAP)....

Having LL Cool J going old school with mama said knock you out on stage with UFC President Dana White and some top UFC Fighters priceless. (mad props)....

Best Shooter Award 2008 also Best Xbox 360 Game - Gears of War 2, Did anyone have any doubts ??? Hands down the best shooter of 2008 IMO....

God of War 3 Preview - Oh So Sick. (man ive been waiting on this one for awhile, this one had me drooling).

World Premiere of Fight Nite Round 4 - I never really got into the first Fight Night but this looked pretty cool with a fight demo between Mike Tyson and Muhammed Ali.

Best Independent Game - World of Goo. (i have never even heard of this one but it had to be pretty good to win).

As im watching this i kinda wonder if these big name people are really gamers. I kinda wonder if they are just hosting these shows for the paycheck or publicity. After all there are alot of us gamers out there, its good exposure for them. I just wanted to throw that out there.

The Most Bad Ass Voice in a Video Game - Big Name in the Game Award - Kiefer Sutherland Call of Duty World at War. (you gotta admit it was cool to hear Jack Bauers voice in a video game).

Gamer God - Will Wright (creater of SPORE).

Grand Theft Auto IV The Lost and Damned - This is going to be an awesome add-on to GTA IV.

Street Fighter The Ledgends of Chun Li - This struck me as kind of funny, the 2 hosts who gave out best RPG Award were mentioned as being up-coming stars in a new street fighter movie. I didnt catch the hosts names but the guy was oz from american pie. I didnt recognize the girl though. Alot of people i know didnt like the first one but i loved it, cant wait for the new movie.

Best RPG Game - Fallout 3 (nice i actually voted for this one online).

World Premiere of Uncharted 2 Among Thieves - Well it looks like Drake is at it again, this time hanging from a cliff inside a bus lol.

World Premiere of Terminator Salvation - By now im sure we all know that video games based on movies most of the time are not very good but bro this trailer was sick. It kinda reminded me of Fallout on Steroids. Definately going to be checking this one out. John Connor + Stillnomercy = Skynet Down, Permanently Down lol.

50 Cent Performance (i would have rathered eminem but hey it was still a decent performance).

Watchmen Game - Another sweet title. This one kinda reminded me of marvel ultimate alliance remade.

Best Music Game and Best Soundtrack - Rockband 2.

Best Studio of the Year and Best PS3 Game - Media Molecule - Little Big Planet.

Best Fighting Game - Soulcaliber 4

Best Graphics and Original Score - Metal Gear Solid

Best Multiplayer - Left4Dead

Best PC Game - Left4Dead

Best Driving Game - Burnout Paradise

Best Individual Sports - Shaun White Snowboarding

Best Female in Game - Jenny McCarthy - Red Alert 3

Best Male in Game - Michael Hollick as Niko Bellic - GTA IV

Best Game Based on a Movie - Lego Indiana Jones

World Premiere Brutal Ledgend

Game of the Year (presented by that hottie Megan Foxx from Transformers) - Grand Theft Auto IV (man i have no idea how GTA IV beat out MGS 4 and GoW 2, i mean dont get me wrong GTA IV was a good game but not Game of the Year good).

LMAO there was a skit at the end of the show where Jack Black was in bed with a xbox 360 and a playstation 3 and well they were doing the nasty. All of a sudden his wife (a nintendo wii) showed up with his son (a ds lite) and well the wii pulled out a pistol and shot him lol..

Random thoughts on LIVE....

Well its friday night and i decided to take it easy tonight and stay in and have a mad COD4 all night session. The more i played, the more pissed off i got. By the time i decide to quit playing live altogether i really believe im going to need blood pressure medicine lol. As much as i love playing online, i am steadily noticing that im not having as much fun as i used too. I honestly believe a**holes are just destroying the overall fun factor. Everytime i jump into a lobby, theres a whole clan of a**holes. Now i talk trash just as much as anyone else but theres a way to do it and a way to not do it. So i figured id put up a blog with stuff thats recently happened to me on LIVE that basically just disgusted me.

1. I jumped into a game of team deathmatch on COD4 and my own team mates trapped me to where i couldnt move. They didnt even care that we were getting waxed but because i wasnt in their CLAN. Trying to be a good sportsman i continued playing but wound up with about 8 kills and 20 DEATHS.

2. Usually whenever i get online, i enjoy team games and part of team games is communicating with each other. How in the heck can we expect to win if were not communicating. Im starting to notice more and more obnoxious people online. If its not filthy language then its just people trying to be as irritating as they can be. This would be solved pretty simple with the mute button, but when you have the whole room muted how can you possibly work as a team.

3. Glitchers, Cheaters and Campers. I have absolutely no respect for you and i prey you all get permanent red rings of death. I have no problem losing a match here and there because hey we cant win them all. One thing i hate is losing to someone with lesser skills. With that being said, this goes out to all you CAMPERS, hiding behind a trash can or laying down in a corner shooting people as they run by, takes no skill. Come out come out wherever you are. Now please dont confuse campers with snipers, because unlike camping sniping takes alot of skill. All you campers need to grow a pair and join the fight, whats the worse that could happen ? i shoot you in the face lol. I got news for you people i guess you get accustomed to camping and getting 25 kills a game but your methods and tactics should be labeled cowardly.

I think thats the end of my ranting and raving for now. Man i am just really peed off with the online community. Im really starting to get a bad taste in my mouth. What happened to all of the people who just used to play FOR THE FUN of it ? What happened to the people that even after a loss would say good game ? Maybe i just need a vacation from online gaming. Oh yeah and one last thing, to all the fellas out there if you happen to run into girl gamers, cut them some slack. Stop with all the bs, a gamer is a gamer no matter if their guy or girl. After all they may just turn around and pwn u.....

New X-Box 360 Headset...

Last week while playing a COD4 live match, i got alittle frustrated and well broke another headset. Im pretty sure at one time or another we have all have either broke a headset due to A. Losing a match and getting frustrated or B. Because the standard headsets are pieces of crap. Without me breaking them i think the longest a headset has lasted me was about 2 months. I knew they made aftermarket headsets but i didnt know they made them for the 360. So i got online and hit google and found a few and narrowed it down to the headset i was gonna buy. So the next day i headed to best buy to get my new headset.

I wound up buying a Turtle Beach X3 Wireless Headset. When i got home i set everything up (it was pretty simple) and jumped on live as quick as i could. Wow, was i blown away. These things are like having surround sound without all the speakers and the wire all over the place. I could hear every single thing in the game. I could hear people getting closer to me, i could almost tell where the gunfire was coming from. The coolest thing about them is that you can set them up where all of the in-game sound is coming through the ear phones. You can set the game volume, then adjust the player volume to come over that. Needless to say i was very impressed. I would definately suggest these to all of you, my fellow gamers. I will have to say they are alittle expensive $99.99 but well worth it if you ask me.

Game Of The Year....

Alright people my vote for Game of the Year....

Gears of War 2 (Call me a fanboy if you like but hands down the best game of the year IMO)...

Honorable Mentions :

Fallout 3


Fable II

You know i was kind of worried this year because there was'nt alot of hype on the games coming out this fall. I mean last year kind of blew me away with all the releases but somehow i figured we would all be dissapointed without very many big-name titles coming out. Man was i wrong !

As we close out this year, i am even more excited about the game line-up for 2009. I think 2009 will be an even better year. Here are a few games i cant wait to get my hands on.

Ghostbusters , Batman Arkham Asylum , Resident Evil 5 , Bio-Shock 2 Sea of Dreams , Borderlands , Prototype , Marvel Universe Online , Stargate Worlds , Street Fighter IV , Tekken 6 , Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena....

peace, supaman

DISC UN-READABLE (xbox 360) .......??????

Oh man where do i start !!!! I guess i could start by saying the battle continues. As much as i love my xbox 360, right about now it really would not hurt my feelings to throw it over the side of a 20 story building and watch it hit the ground and shatter into pieces....

You would think that one would develop patience after going through the whole RED RINGS OF DEATH 3 FRIGGIN TIMES and that i would be used to this sort of thing but i haven't. As a matter of a fact im even more frustrated than ever. I'm starting to feel like theres no hope for my beloved 360 and wondering if microsoft will ever get there sh** together.

So heres the scoop. I just recently picked up saints row 2, fallout 3. I got home and loaded up saints row 2 and started playing, i probably got about 6 hours of playtime and the game kicked me out saying the disc was unreadable. I went ahead and shut down my console, cleaned the disc and went through all the trouble shooting and still DISC UNREADABLE....

Whats worse than that is i waited in line for the midnight release of gears of war 2, man was i excited. I got home at about 12:30 and started playing with no problems. So i get all the way to act 5 scene 4 and the game booted me off saying DISC UNREADABLE. I have not been able to play since. I tried a few other games and its the same. So here i sit with another broken console....

Damn you microsoft....

Co-op Buddies ---- X-Box Live......

Sup people im just sending a message out that im looking for some friends to add on Live to go co-op on some games. Some of the games i am looking to finish on co-op are....

1. GRAW 1

2. GRAW 2

3. Rainbow Six Vegas 2

4. Gears of War 2 (when its released)

5. Left for Dead (when its released)

So if your into co-op ing send me a friend request and we will discuss details. My gamertag on X-Box Live is Stillnomercy...

Tattoos ---- Part 1........

Well here i am again updating my blog. I have many interests and hobbies and one of them happens to be tattoos. I have been working on half sleeves on both of my arms for about 5 years. My first one was a superman crest on my left arm. I never thought that it would become an addiction lol.

At the time of this writing i have about 2000.00 invested in my ink. Man do they get expensive and im not even half way through. My left arm is still all outline and my right arm needs a touch-up. Worst of all i have to find a new artist because my old one got hooked on crack and shot up someones vehicle. Talk about crappy luck huh...

So for all of my fellow Louisiana gamespotters help me out, if you know of any good local artists send me a pm with their name and the name of the shop so i can check them out...

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