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Achievement Update #80

Well I'm now at Achievement Update #80! So let's just get to it because, honestly, I'm way too tired to talk.



Umm...yeah...I need to get some achievements. I guess I'll play some Oblivion later tonight although my friends keep wanting me to play CoD4 when I get online. So I guess I'll cave in and play CoD4 later tonight. I did, however, play some Oblivion and I got back into the Mages Guild after being suspended and I cured my vampirism. That last one should be an achievement.

Other things I did this week:
-Caught up on my Hulu queue.
-Tried catching up on podcasts...almost there.

That's about it. I did have a job interview this morning and I'm hoping that this one works out. If it does, I will be getting a iPod Touch before Spring Break because I'm going down to Florida (the state I was born in) for Spring Break and the only thing I have is my iPod Nano cause I sold my PSP. So I need more than some music to listen to while I'm down there and on the plane. But, that's all. Thanks for reading (even though you probably didn't)

Until next time, get some achievements!!
-PDB aka Gamer Geek360

P.S. Go MSU!!!

Achievement Update #79

I'm late but better late than early...or something like that. Let's get to it!

270/1000 Points
15/46 Achievements

Bloody Peleliu
Points: 30
Description: Completed 'Little Resistance' on Veteran difficulty.
Acquired: March 14, 2009

Name: Snake in the Grass
Points: 15
Description: Took out a Japanese soldier camouflaged and hiding in the grass.
Acquired: March 14, 2009

Name: Weapon of Mass Destruction
Points: 15
Description: You called in a naval bombardment that took out at least 4 Japanese soldiers.
Acquired: March 14, 2009

Name: Get Your Hands Dirty
Points: 30
Description: Completed 'Semper Fi' on Veteran difficulty.
Acquired: March 14, 2009

Name: Stabbed in the Heart
Points: 20
Description: Took the fight deep into the Fatherland.
Acquired: March 13, 2009

Name: War Hero
Points: 40
Description: Completed the game on any difficulty and won on all fronts.
Acquired: March 13, 2009

Name: The Last Stand
Points: 20
Description: Defeated the Japanese on their own soil in Okinawa.
Acquired: March 13, 2009

Name: Shot in the Dark
Points: 10
Description: Terrorized the enemy in the pitch dark of the Berlin underground.
Acquired: March 11, 2009

Name: Stormed Peleliu
Points: 15
Description: Took the fight directly to the Japanese on the island of Peleliu.
Acquired: March 10, 2009

Name: Firestarter
Points: 15
Description: Made due with only the bare essentials: a regulation M2.
Acquired: March 10, 2009

Name: The Professional
Points: 15
Description: Quickly dispatched all of Amsel's henchmen in 'Vendetta' without reloading.
Acquired: March 9, 2009

Name: Close Shave
Points: 10
Description: Encountered a Banzai attack and lived to tell the tale.
Acquired: March 9, 2009

Name: Carlson's Raiders
Points: 10
Description: Surprised the Japanese with a daring raid of the Makin Atoll.
Acquired: March 9, 2009

Name: Saved Private Ryan
Points: 10
Description: Saved a soldier from a terrible death.
Acquired: March 9, 2009

15,876 Points

I finished Call of Duty: World at War as you can see and got as many achievements as I could before I returned it to Blockbuster. And now I'm off to play Oblivion again. Also, I may be getting a job soon. I feel good with the applications I submitted recently.

Until next time, FOR THE MOTHERLAND!
-PDB aka Gamer Geek360

I Want To See My Face In It!

So my title is due to the fact that I decided to use my copy of Google Chrome that has been virtually collecting dust on my desktop on my computer. I'm starting to like it because it feels faster and the page is much bigger than other browsers because there is not a inch of clutter up by the address bar. But that's not the only reason I'm posting a blog, I also got my Best Buy Rewards Zone card in the mail yesterday and I'm now part of Best Buy's Gamers Club. I don't know how often I'll use it but I thought it was kinda cool and free, so why not. I have about $200 right now but I don't know if I should buy anything. I don't know, if you have any suggestions for the 360 than tell me but I probably should beat some of the games I have right now. I'm working on World at War and I think the campaign is fun but the COD4 one I found more interesting. The funny thing is that (due to my being a HUGE 24 fan) every time I hear the character that is voiced by Keifer Sutherland talk I think Jack Bauer is ordering me to kill those pesky Asians that come out of nowhere. I want to get many achievements before I return the game, because remember I'm renting it. So I'll be playing that for a little while. After that, I'm gonna finish Oblivion and if anyone knows how to easily get the stuff for getting back into the Mages Guild for stealing from them (damn Thieves Guild mission) than I could really use your help. It's 20 Dragon Tongues and 20 Redtworts or whatever. I currently have 7 of each and buying them takes too long. So, please help thanks!

Until next time, burn the trees and the grass before walking by them!

Achievement Update #78

I have came off of my first bit of time with COD: WaW to bring to you another Achievement Update. I will tell you more about my experiences with COD after the achievements, so stay tuned.

15/1000 Points
1/46 Achievements

Rough Economy
Points: 15
Description: Demonstrated killer economic sensibilities by taking down 3 enemies with a single bullet.
Acquired: March 7, 2009

750/1250 Points
33/60 Achievements

Apprentice, Fighters Guild
Points: 10
Description: Reached Apprentice rank in the Fighters Guild
Acquired: March 5, 2009

Name: Associate, Fighters Guild
Points: 10
Description: Joined the Fighters Guild
Acquired: March 3, 2009

Name: Guildmaster, Thieves Guild
Points: 50
Description: Completed the Thieves Guild Questline
Acquired: March 3, 2009

405/1000 Points
30/50 Achievements

A Pair Beats A Pair
Points: 5
Description: You completed an Xbox LIVE 2 v 2 Pro Face-Off match
Acquired: March 7, 2009

Name: Survival of the Fittest
Points: 5
Description: You completed an Xbox LIVE Battle Mode match
Acquired: March 7, 2009

15,621 Points

So there's how the week went. As for the COD playtime, I only played online and the Nazi zombie mode after my friend went through and beat the game. I didn't want to play campaign right away so I'll probably do that today. Anyways, that one achievement I got was in the Nazi zombie mode where I shot three zombies in the head with one shot. It was pretty awesome. The problem with the game is that it's exactly the same as COD4 only WW2 rather than the modern war. Even some of the achievements and moments in the game are almost exactly the same as COD4. In the end, COD: WaW is NOT worth $60. GameStop has it on sale right now for $50 but it's not worth anything higher than $30 in my book. I'm still gonna try to get a lot of achievements out of the game though. So that's it. Have a great weekend everyone.

Until next time, they've released the dogs!!
-PDB aka Gamer Geek360

The Caves Are Falling In

Okay, if you're wondering what the title means it's that I'm caving in on trying COD: WaW. Tomorrow me and my friend are going to Blockbuster after school and rent World at War (each of us paying for half of the game) and we're getting a pizza and some sodas and Monsters (to help pull and all-nighter) and we are going to play through the campaign until we can play some Nazi zombie action. If I like it (and that's a big if) I will consider buying the game. I'm hoping I'll have fun tomorrow but I don't think I'm gonna like it enough to buy it. After this weekend I will try to organize a Friday game night with him and anyone else on my friends list in some games. I was thinking L4D or COD4 for next week. So that's about it. A short blog but I wanted to let you guys know because that game will be popping up on my gamercard tomorrow. Also, if the game is not available at Blockbuster we are going to rent something else with co-op...don't know what yet.

Until next time, SAVE ME!!!

Achievement Update #77

I'm here again to give you a HUGE Achievement Update today. I got a TON of achievements this week. Most of the achievements were from Oblivion so that's gonna take up a lot of space. This week alone I got 400 points from all my achievements! So let's just get down to business, shall we?

670/1250 Points
29/60 Achievements

Name: Shadowfoot, Thieves Guild
Points: 10
Description: Reached Shadowfoot rank in the Thieves Guild
Acquired: February 28, 2009

Name: Cat Burglar, Thieves Guild
Points: 10
Description: Reached Cat Burglar rank in the Thieves Guild
Acquired: February 27, 2009

Name: Grand Champion, Arena
Points: 50
Description: Completed the Arena Questline
Acquired: February 26, 2009

Name: Champion, Arena
Points: 10
Description: Reached Champion rank in the Arena
Aquired: February 26, 2009

Name: Hero, Arena
Points: 10
Description: Reached Hero rank in the Arena
Acquired: February 26, 2009

Name: Gladiator, Arena
Points: 10
Description: Reached Gladiator rank in the Arena
Acquired: February 26, 2009

Name: Warrior, Arena
Points: 10
Description: Reached Warrior rank in the Arena
Acquired: February 26, 2009

Name: Myrmidon, Arena
Points: 10
Description: Reached Myrmidon rank in the Arena
Acquired: February 26, 2009

Name: Bloodletter, Arena
Points: 10
Description: Reached Bloodletter rank in the Arena
Acquired: February 26, 2009

Name: Brawler, Arena
Points: 10
Description: Reached Brawler rank in the Arena
Acquired: February 25, 2009

Name: Pit Dog, Arena
Points: 10
Description: Joined the Arena in the Imperial City
Acquired: February 25, 2009

Name: Listener, Dark Brotherhood
Points: 50
Description: Completed the Dark Brotherhood Questline
Acquired: February 25, 2009

Name: Speaker, Dark Brotherhood
Points: 10
Description: Reached Speaker rank in the Dark Brotherhood
Acquired: February 25, 2009

Name: Silencer, Dark Brotherhood
Points: 10
Description: Reached Silencer rank in the Dark Brotherhood
Acquired: February 24, 2009

Name: Assassin, Dark Brotherhood
Points: 10
Description: Reached Assassin rank in the Dark Brotherhood
Acquired: February 22, 2009

30/55 Achievements

Name: TLAD - Get Good Wood
Points: 50
Description: You maimed 69 bikers while racing.
Acquired: February 22, 2009

Name: Rolled Over
Points: 30
Description: You managed 5 car rolls in a row from one crash.
Acquired: February 22, 2009

Name: Chain Reaction
Points: 20
Description: You exploded 10 vehicles in 10 seconds.
Acquired: February 22, 2009

Name: TLAD - Full Chat
Points: 70
Description: Your backup are riding at their best!
Acquired: February 22, 2009

15,516 Points

So there's the monster week. Also, I went to a college today to visit and I think that's the one. All we are waiting for is to see how much financial aid we'll get and then I'll know for sure. So wish me luck on that. And for any of those wondering, the major I'm going into is Computer Science with a Bachelor in Game Design. I'm hoping to become a Level Designer. Ok, that's it have a great weekend.

Until next time, shake and bake, baby, shake and bake!! (sorry Talladega Nights was on TBS last night.)
-PDB aka Gamer Geek360

All Good Things Must Come To An End

No this is not about Giant Bomb's redesign. It's about my exams finishing today (see the irony there?). I'm actually getting used to the redesigned GB and I'm starting to *gasp* like it! *end gasp* Anyways, my exams finished today and now I have a three-day weekend of gaming. Here are my exam results for anyone who cares:

Spanish 2: Exam: Exempt Final: 91 A-
Photography: Exam: 83 B Final: 78 C+
Pop Culture: Exam: 94 A Final: 99 A
Commercial Art: Exam: 90 A- Final: 90 A-
Pre-Calc: Exam: Exempt Final: 85 B

So there are the grades. Also, that C+ is the first time I finished a ****with a final grade that is lower than a B- out of all my high school career and remember I'm a senior. So Tuesday is when I go back to school and I have a really easy schedule next trimester. Here's the schedule:

1st Hour: Film Production*
2nd Hour: Creative Writing
3rd Hour: A+ Certification*
4th Hour: Greenhouse Biology*
5th Hour: Independent Reading
*C.lasses I have friends in.

So that's about it. Also, I got a ton of achievements this week so get ready for tomorrow's blog post. It may go up late because I'm visiting a college tomorrow. But it'll be up.

Until next time, no funny caption here because I'm tired. (actually I couldn't think of any)
-PDB aka Gamer Geek360

And the Oscar Goes To...

Actually the only thing this blog has anything to do with the Oscars is the fact that I'm happy that Heath Ledger won. He definitely deserved it. Other than that, just expect a regular update. First off, I got my federal tax return today so I have a little bit of money to think of how to spend it on gaming-related things. Unfortunately, I may break and buy World at War. I never wanted to because I think Infinity Ward deserves the Call of Duty license so much more than anyone else, but a lot of my friends want me to get the game and zombie mode is calling me. I don't know, can you guys help me out here? I'm gonna beat some of my games and then trade them in *cough* Oblivion *cough*. I need to finish any achievements I still need there and then I'll trade it in with COD2 and maybe some other games I can quickly get through. So, that's the first part.

Secondly, this week is exam week. The school's exams don't start till Wednesday but mine don't start till Thursday because I'm exempt from my first exam (I love being a senior) and my last exam. So here's my schedule for anyone interested:

Monday: Regular school day.
Tuesday: Regular school day.
Wednesday: Spanish 2B Exam(Exempt) and then Regular day.
Thursday: Photography Exam and Pop Culture Exam - 1/2 Day
Friday: Commercial Art Exam and Pre-Calc B Exam(Exempt) - 1/2 Day

So there you go for those who care. I'm happy about being exempt from my Pre-Calc exam because I'm doing the exam review for extra credit (only to boost my GPA) and I don't remember hardly any of it. Unfortunately, tomorrow is my last day of Spanish c.lass though. It's sad only because there were a lot of hot girls in that c.lass that liked me. You're probably saying, "How do you know they liked you?" and I say, "Because they were flirting with me all c.lass hour." So that was fun. Anyways, I get to sleep in a little bit on Wednesday, though, since I don't need to show up for my 1st exam. So that will be nice. And I will leave you with this: (TheGamerGeek, this is for you)

That's me, and my ears look bigger than normal.

So, I know it's kinda late and I've had the game since Saturday but when I saw GamerGeek's pic I had to copy it. And I 1up'd him by wearing the headband that came with it. Yes, that is me, and my ears are big but the headband made them look bigger. Also, if you look in the background over my left shoulder (your right) there is a Wii Sports sticker on my bunk bed. Yes, I sleep on the top bunk but no one sleeps on the bottom so I could sleep down there. But, I've seen Step Brothers and I don't trust bunk beds. lol Anyways I'm sorry for breaking your computer screens with my ugliness. Ok, that's it. Ooh, long blog for me sorry about that.

Until next time, do not call me Dumbo, heard it before numerous times.

Achievement Update #76

This week you may notice a theme in the achievements. They are some that are GTA related. There may be a reason for that but I don't know. Anyways, let's get to it.

440/1250 Points
14/60 Achievements

Name: Eliminator, Dark Brotherhood
Points: 10
Description: Reached Eliminator rank in the Dark Brotherhood
Acquired: February 16, 2009

Name: Slayer, Dark Brotherhood
Points: 10
Description: Reached Slayer rank in the Dark Brotherhood
Acquired: February 16, 2009

Name: Murderer, Dark Brotherhood
Points: 10
Description: Join the Dark Brotherhood
Acquired: February 16, 2009

Name: Champion of Cyrodiil
Points: 110
Description: Completed the Main Questline
Acquired: February 16, 2009

525/1250 Points
26/55 Achievements

Name: TLAD: Easy Rider
Points: 100
Description: You have completed the story for 'The Lost and Damned'.
Acquired: February 21, 2009

Name: TLAD: The Lost Boy
Points: 25
Description: All hail the leader of The Lost!
Acquired: February 19, 2009

Name: TLAD: One Percenter
Points: 5
Description: Billy is back on his bike.
Acquired: February 17, 2009

10/1000 Points
1/48 Achievements

Name: Challenger
Points: 10
Description: Clear a Challenge in Challenge Mode.
Acquired: February 21, 2009

15,116 Points

So as you can see I got the GTA4 DLC and finished it today. It was really good. The last mission is EPIC. So now that's it beaten I'm gonna play around in GTA to get some other achievements while I'm still getting the rest of them in Oblivion. That's about it and I also got Street Fighter IV yesterday and played some of that and really liked it but I didn't get an achievement...till today.

Until next time, HA-DO-KEN!!
-PDB aka Gamer Geek360

Here's Johnny!!

As anyone who likes GTA4 should know, today the first DLC for the game was released exclusively on the 360. This morning I woke up and after taking a shower and after eating my Toaster Strudels, I turned the 360 on and began the download as a background download and went off to school. When I came home, I found out my step-dad had been laid off from his job today. That sucked so to get me to forget about it I started playing GTA. Now let me tell you...I LOVE this DLC. It's so much fun and you feel like such a badass driving around in the biker gang listening to "Highway Star" by Deep Purple. Anyways, they also added new multiplayer modes such as Witness Protection, Club Business, and the most intriguing one: Chopper vs. Chopper. So if any of you got the DLC and want to play online my gamertag is Gamer Geek360. Also, Street Fighter IV shipped today and will be at my house later this week. My step-dad really wants to play that game so hopefully that will cheer him up. That's all just a quick update.

Until next time, kill those Deadbeats!!
-PDB aka Gamer Geek360