I think... and that's a problem :P
pspitus' forum posts
I'd say, if you have the money, invest in a 3DS XL just so you have more options in terms of games. :) The screen for the 3DS XL is nice, bright, and crisp. Great for playing pokemon :P
But if not, that guy at the top had an awesome list of games for you :D.
I'd also recommend Elite Beat Agents and Rocket Slime. :)
Sadly, the only way to make sure you don't get a hacked pokemon is that you don't trade. With the action replay (yes sadly I have used it :(... but it was to create an exploding Pikachu sooo.... XD I called it Pikaboom) it simply gathers pre-existing data on the game card itself. Basically it unlocks the data code, and because of this... there isn't really a way to tell if a pokemon is hacked or not. Unless... the person was being dumb and used a bunch of rare candies... then you could tell :P
That is a VERY tough call. I'm sure everyone who has played Persona or Xenoblade would love to have sequels on the Wii U, but Nintendo really hasn't been the best as localization when it comes to games.
If I remember correctly, I believe that a bunch of gamers had to petition Nintendo just to bring over Xenoblade and The Last Story over here to the US.
So I'm going to say that there is a low chance Nintendo will have those RPG sequels on the Wii U. :(
Unless we create another petition :D
Man... it's stories like this that make me wonder...
Did Microsoft intentionally put something in the old Xboxes so that it would break after a certain period of time, and so that they could make profit for all the repairs and purchases of new xboxes?
Very suspicious XD.
But I think you should go ahead and just buy a new xbox if you have the money, and if your other one is still broken and causing problems. There hasn't been any new info about the new Xbox, so it might take some time before it even gets released...
I honestly think PSN-Plus is worth it, it seems like they are CONSTANTLY giving out awesome free games and HUGE discounts.
And what does the 360 give out for being a Gold Member? Nice online features and A CRAP LOAD OF ADS.
If this is actually real.... this might have to go in my Top Ten WTF Moments XD. On a side note, I've always wondered about Dragon's Dogma. In a way, it reminded me of Dark Souls.Ehh, it was decent. I liked Kingdom of Amalur better. I hate that there isn't any fast travel and your character is slow and runs out of stanima fast, so a big portion of the game is just running around.
And be careful, your character could turn out to be gay without you even knowing it. Seriously, My brother was playing through, and the blacksmith laid him down by the fire and molested him without any hint of the impending gayness anywhere. It just happened through the story.
There's always shootings in the world man, it's just that the media has been actually reporting them so people are finding out about it now. But there have been quite a few reported major shootings this year.
I wonder what the cause of it all is... ?
The lesson here is:
There is, and shall always be, crazy people out in the world.
Man, I'm pretty sure EVERY POKEMON FAN wants a fully realized 3D pokemon game on a Nintendo console. Keeping the same classic pokemon gameplay, worlds, characters and expanding on it for a game console.
I think if that ever happens, I might just have to.... I might just have to....
Jeez I wouldn't even know what I would do :P. Probably pass out from too much excitement:lol:
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