The only thing I really feel like saying is that I've finally got a user icon that matches my User Name. Please post a joke. I'M BORED.
psychoyoshi2009 Blog
Jack Freaking Thompson!
by psychoyoshi2009 on Comments
I had heard from a site called that there was a gaming convention going on in Dallas, Texas. There are many people coming like Shigeru Miyamoto. There is also going to be 2 competing lawyers. The Mega Man of the debate and the Dr. Wily of the debate. The debate: VIDEO GAME RESTRICTIONS. Wait a minute... JACK THOMPSON IS COMING!? He's the evil Dr. Wily of the debate. He once tried to sue game companies for making their games "To violent". Mostly because morally corrupt kids were always found in their rooms, lying dead on the floor, with a copy of Grand Theft Auto in their PS2. Now somehow, he thinks that can be an excuseto make money off ofsueing game companies. I doubt it was the game's fault that he/she killed himself/herself. He lost a lot of video game restriction laws. But now he's back... but he's gonna get beaten in this debate, just like the rest of his cases. By who? By Mark Methinitis, defender of video games for the debate of the century! Cross your fingers and hope Mark beats him good. *Crosses fingers*
Hooray! E3 2009!
by psychoyoshi2009 on Comments
Hooray! My new Dazzle Capture card came in today! Too bad I can't use it! Though you should expect large amounts of video at once from me, once I reach level 10. It will help me get better video quality. Now to get to E3. I'm really excited for New Mario Bros. Wii and Mario Galaxy 2. Metroid: Other M doesn't look very promising. I mean, Samus talks. Not a lot of Nintendo charaters talk. You remember what happened to Link, Mario, and Zelda when the Philips CD-i made games based on those characters. I wish I could just erase that part of gaming history. No, wait, I take that back. Without those games, we wouldn't be able to make them look ridiculous! So... thanks for the YouTube Poop fodder, Philips. You've made a fool of yourselves. I'm not very excited about Rock Band: Beatles. It seems more like a track pack than a real game. I've got a feeling that it's going to have poor sales, because a lot of people that buy it are probably teenagers. I don't knowa lot of teenagers who like the Beatles. I think that Super Mario Galaxy 2 and New Super Mario Bros. Wii are going to just print money for Nintendo. I also don't think TMNT Smash up is going to do well. From what I've heard, it's just a carbon copy of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, just worse. I've also heard good things about Batman: Arkham Asylum. It looks pretty nice, but it's more or less a 3D beat em up. The Joker looks like a combination of all of the Jokers, even from the animated series. The only problem that I've heard is that the combat gets a little repetitive because of all of the unique combos like square, square, square, square. Apparently, it's not even worth playing. If you've played Wii fit 1, you've played Wii Fit Plus. Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny looks pretty good. One of the unlockable characters is Kratos from God of War.New Super Mario Bros. Wii seems like the ultimate butthole mario game. You can just horde all of the power ups. The game is pretty much be the ultimate butthole gamer.
by psychoyoshi2009 on Comments
Hey Gamespot. As my User Name reads, I love Mario games If you want to know what other games I like, just look at my freaking banner. I'm an all-around kind of gamer. I don't have either of the Xboxes, though. My Wii number is on my profile page.
My SSBB friend code is 0946-3183-0811. I hope that we can register each other and then kill each other.
My Guitar Hero III FC is 073203363763.
OH, LOOK. My games list:
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
Guitar Hero II
Tales of the Abyss
Pacman World II
Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3
Nintendo Wii:
Monster 4x4
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Game Party
Rampage: Total Destruction
Wii Play
Wii Sports
Guitar Hero III
Trauma Center: Second Opinion
My Sims
Summer Sports
Cooking Mama
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
I have a Gamecube, but I'm not going to put my games list here. Maybe later.
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