I doubt I will ever go back through Max Payne 3, Res Evil 5,Ghost Recon F.S. , just the thought of all the forced action cut scenes do not make it appealing.
Things would go much easier on this planet if people would grow up. (science is your friend)
Actually liked F.C. 1 and 2 and this looks great,sure hope it isn't nearly as forced (cut scenes anywhere and everywhere....press "X"....press "A'...etc) as games lately (M.Payne 3)
Totally in agreement , if this keeps up I'll just stop playing those types of games, there is NO way I will go back through these games a second time and am very thankful for Gamefly.
Just got through playing Max Payne 3 and Ghost Recon F.S. and am in the middle of Resistance Burning Skies for the Vita and they all three do the insanely annoying cut scene / yank you out of the game BS.
I do not mind cut scenes that I can skip and that are at the START or END of a battle but doing it anytime anywhere made me want to stop playing (though of course I did not, but now I'm here complaining)
ptown58's comments