Along with industry people and Gamespot employees there should have been 4-5 Gamespot viewers/subscribers (not a business idea) weighing in also and yes I know there is a comments section but it's hard to follow and the thumbs up/down is annoying, plus you could ad a little something about the viewer like what games they like...what gaming machine they prefer...just an idea.
Whats wrong ? mediocre/watered down games (nothing new) but still at a high price with insane security. Whats right ? more people playing, more games, wider acceptability (politicians are slow), looking better and better all the time. Industry in five years? I really dont see things changing very much if at all but hopefully 240hz and up lcd's will be cheap and come in smaller sizes which will be mandatory for the better graphics that will be here. I dont know what "casual" gaming is ..ha ha ha
Everyone interviewed makes money off of the "gaming industry" ??? Thats like a poll/census on religion thats conducted by a religious organization or the oil industry doing tests to see if they are screwing up the environment.
If there was no need for security then those people are out of jobs or have to look else where just like if there where no Windows virus and Windows worked really well for everyone where would all those comp tech's go ? unemployment lines ? Job security and bigger profits it's the American way (eat form inside out)
ptown58's comments