pundog's forum posts
[QUOTE="Domobran-"]MG2, KOTOR II, Halo......theres alotfoxhound_fox
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... really?
You sure you were not talking about KotOR? Because last time I checked, KotOR II did not even have an ending... :? It did, it just really, really, really sucked, at least in comparison to KOTOR 1.
My pics are Deus Ex, KOTOR, Halo 1 and Hitman: Blood Money.
[QUOTE="munsoned"]just went to walmart today and there was 4 wii`s in ..[QUOTE="-supercharged-"]I've seen many Wii's on the shelves, Is the Wii sold out in your area still?Tylendal
last friday i just bought a 360 there was 2 ps3s,no wiis, and 2 elites and 10 pro 360s today i counted 1 ps3 1 elite and 6 pro 360s musta been a good week to buy a console lol
No Wii's at my local Superstore or Walmart.
Why am I not surprised Superstore is selling Wiis?Canada eh you stupid hosers!
To all the Americans out there, stop calling it ice hockey, we all know what hockey means so just leave it at that.
[QUOTE="Los9090"]Could an NHL team in Hamilton, CA succeed? I would assume that Winnipeg should be the next "new" NHL city.Jackal2222
i doubt winnipeg will ever see a nhl team cant really afford one. which is a same cuz im from Winnipeg. But im Living in Toronto and dont really Wanna see the Sens Take the cup. but being canadian i dont wanna see it go to a amercain team..
Winnepeg's about 4rd on the list right now of Canadian cities that could get an NHL franchise (and by that I mean the Preds), after Kitchener-Waterloo, Hamilton and Toronto, because all of those areas are within an hour of the GTA and with the price of Leafs tickets a new franchise in southern Ontario would be a guarenteed sellout.Golf is a sport, it takes talent and ability to do what those guys do on the PGA. Racing is too for the same reasons. Poker, on the other hand, is not.[QUOTE="pundog"][QUOTE="-Dionysus-"]UFC is a sport, golf and Nascar are not.Nene33
Golf is a skill game, not a sport, Nascar is a sport(though it's a little to much about the entertainment), and poker is a skill game, so not a sport.
Sport requiers athleticism, all games that don't requier athleticism aren't sports.
I used to think that way about golf until one day I was watching the Score (a Canadian all sports network) and they showed Vijay Singh's workout routine, and it was insane, and they talked about what Tiger does, which was even more impressive. The amount of work those pros do every day is rediculous.I'll buy it if someone could pimp out my car with waynehead. Don't know who he is... check out my avatar and the link in my sig.waynehead895You could for sure, just find someone in the auctionhouse who looks like they know what they're doing and ask them.
Already got the limited edition or whatever its called preordered, all I got to wait for is EB to give me a call.
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