@Sonny1996 go to systemrequirementslab it will run a check on Hardware and compare to the game you select System requirements. It will match against games minimum and recommended hardware specifications. The recommended and minimum aren't always spot on but will give you a good idea where your at regarding your hardware and the game you want to play.
@WarGrad I know all about Intel and the benchmarks regarding the 2. Still didn't change my mind on buying AMD. And if you read a bit more then you would know that Intel is NOT 4 years ahead lmao. I've built my own systems for years I know exactly what I got thank you for caring so much though.
@Ravenlore_basic He wasn't saying graphics make the game . And 1920x1080 compared to 1280x720 is a major difference! While graphics don't make a game it is a major contributing factor to being deeply connected to the game your playing.
CVGrunning real time has been the goal of developers since 3d games hit the market. That is the holy grail of gaming next to better AI. The basic 3 things we as humans use for connection is sight , sound and touch. I didn't forget smell;-)
The 1st Crysis I wasn't so sure of it. But once I started playing it grew on me. And people knocked Crysis 2 but I liked it. And So far I love Crysis 3 I think it's better than Crysis 2. To me the Crysis Trilogy holds up in my Favorite of all time. Mass Effect is in that list as well as HalfLife. Lots of respect for Cevat Yerli he really pushes games and is needed to keep things moving forward.
I didn't buy Alien Colonial Marines I did try it and thought it sucked though. I see a lot of people saying they lied and the earlier version was different. What was lied about regarding ACM? And what was so different about the 2011 showing of ACM?
I don't understand how people can't comprehend the old way of rating games it was more accurate and every game was reviewed separately on each platform/console. Today there is no base guide for rating they just rate one game and slap it across all platforms and just change the Console name in the review. That is not proper ratings it's plain laziness and not fairly reviewed.
@USAPATRIOT21 And console gamers aren't nerds? Has nothing to do with boasting it's has to do with having differences noted in review of each version so a gamer can at that point pick and choose what to play it on. Most PC gamers don't need to boast it's common knowledge that PC's are superior.
If preferring to play games on PC makes me a nerd i'm good with that.
@qewretrytuyiuoi They were harsh when they did the scoring the old way. every game is NOT created equal. But GS now scores them like they are. Sorry TR will have different feeling control and graphics on every different system. Giving 360 a 8.5 doesn't mean all versions are the same that's really lazy on the reviewers part. Gamespot what happened to you!:-(
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