My Senior year ended. I got a 5 on my AP Calculus test (the highest possible score!), and 4's on both my AP Lit and AP Econ (still pretty good). I was so excited, I got college credit for all of them!
Over the summer I worked at Albertsons. Surprisingly, I really liked my job....most days. However, I have quit my job because of the new school year. Which brings me to my next point...I am in college. yay? I am taking a full load and am massively busy with tons of homework, hence my lack of visiting. *sigh*
Also Doug visited Hannah and me over the summer. It was a lot of fun. We tried to show him all of the things California life is famous for in the sum of about5 days. For more on that you should read Doug's coming blog on that, as I believe he will be putting up pictures, and believe me it will be far better told by Doug (buffyTVSrox)and his pictures. (The one's in the graveyard are especially great as we had a Buffy moment.)
The heat is horrid the day before yesterday it was 110 degrees Farenheit in the shade. I am fortunate for air conditioning, and have taken an aversion to being outdoors or in sunlight.
Mowgli (our Golden Retriever puppy) is now about five months old. He likes to dig holes in the yard (right in Dad's freshly planted grass seed) and then lay his belly in the cool dirt. He also steals and eats the shoes of everyone in the house, except mine :D . I feel so proud. He seems to respect me as an alpha male figure now, maybe because I'm the only one in the house that took him ona walk.That and after he destroyed the house (and my room) Igave him a talk, after that he seems to listen to me as well as like mea lot.Either way, when I took him walkinghe learned to heel pretty fast, he's smart, if mischievious.
Also I house sat for a couple I know for about 6 days, I was supposed to watch their cat, but they never showed me whattheir cat looked like. I was just told it had a "O" shape on its side. I took care of the cat with an "O" on its side, the only cat that actuallyhung around the house, for while they were gone, I let it in and fed it and everything. Guess what? It was the wrong cat. It sure like me though. Anyway, they said their cat was sciddish around people it doesn't know and probably avoided the house for the entire week. However, their cat was fine, and looked well-fed (as I had been putting out cat food for some of the neighborhood strays), so they said it looked like I did my job just fine.They now have an affectionate stray that tries to sneak in the house when their back is turned so that it can eat cat food and watch tv. oops. Oh well, I must not have done too bad of a job as they have asked me to house sit again.
Anyway, I will be 18, a full fledged adult, on September 5th, which is tomorrow! Finally, the stupid curfew won't apply to me anymore (not that I paid that much attention to it anyway). Oh yeah, then there's that voting thing, and then there's smoking or joining theArmy, but as I don't think I will either smoke or join the Army (though I greatly respect those in the Armed Services), things in my life are mostly just the same; with just more harsh penalties for breaking the law.
My Birthday party won't be until the 22nd of this month though, as Hannah can't get off work until then. We plan on going ice skating again this year, this time with Hannah, Heather, Adelle, and me. I haven't really gotten past lunch (as far as my plans go), but I'll think of something.
So, that is where my life is now. A lot of homework, friends, and life. Also, Hannah and I are almost ready to watch Season 9 of X-files, therefore finishing watching the entire series. (A first for Hannah, as she's never seen them and I got her into them, a second time for me, though I have seen many episodes far more than once, I haven't watched them all in order for awhile.)
Hope life is going well for all of you guys and please forgive me if I don't write, blog, or comment in awhile.
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