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puzzlingpixie Blog

I am sick...and it's is horrid

Ughhh....I am so sick. My skin burns and hurts to touch. It sucks to be sick. My eyes burn, and I have a headache, also I'm nauseous.
I have a Calc test tomorrow, but I came home from school and slept for five hours, and I still feel awful. The point being, I was asleep for so long that I didn't have time to do my Calc. It needs done and understood by tomorrow. I missed the explanation on our mag lev cars for physics. I feel somewhat overwhelmed but that isn't too hard, because when you're sick, things build up fast. Also, I forgot to tell my mom that it was back to school night, and therefore missed all of the extra credit points I would have gotten. AND, I slept through youth group and leadership training that was afterward (which I've been looking forward to for like a month). Grr...I am in pain. I need to go do homework, though that is really the last thing I want to do. Hmph.

My Birthday Party!

My Birthday party was great! Thank you very much Ash and Hannah for teaching me to ice skate. I mean I could sort of iceskate before, but they actually had me skating and gliding on my own, which is a Yay! of greatness, because I mean how great is that! I've always wanted to be able to iceskate.

However, my ankles are sorely bruised from the iceskating shoes. That and my thighs are sooooo sore.

We ate great Chinese food and then went to the bookstore, which while it may sound geeky,  it was a lot of fun. We went to party city and took pictures of us in Halloween costumes. We went to Denny's and ate a chocolate brownie with ice cream and some sort of pie thing with carmel. Han and Ash sang Happy Birthday to me, as they somehow managed to buy birthday candles from Party City without my knowledge and get it onto my brownie. All the time, I was wearing a crazy birthday hat and a balloon attached to my wrist. Then we watched Buffy episodes and ate more Chinese food until it was 1:30 AM.

It was a great party and tons of fun. Thanks guys.

Sleep and Lost

It is about midnight and I have school tomorrow, but I am in the middle of watching the first season of Lost on DVD, and I can't stop! It is sooo addicting. What am I to do.

Meanwhile, I have to say, I greatly appreciate Lost, it is great. Though I believe my homework and studies may be suffering for this, I am having trouble caring in the face of watching Lost. :D


Blah and yay!

Blah to the boredoms and continual struggle of AP Calculus. It  is rated the hardest class on campus, second only to AP Chemistry. Also, I my AP Lit class is getting massively harder.

Yay, though, I don't remember why...hmmm....good news. Ummm...I am now practicing to see if I can sing in our church choir. My Birthday party is Saturday. I somewhat understand Calculus. Oh! I remembered the yay! Hannah, I finally started making my collection of tree photos. I have been hiking on full moons and taking pictures. The lighting is perfect, my trees rock. I think I may have one that is black from the night but with red behind it from the rising sun. It is awesome. :)

Most may not understand the full ramifications of that lst paragraph, but for those of you who do, yeah, just soak up the happiness that comes from greatness.

The new me....

So I figured I ought to spend a small portion of my time chronicling the new evil me.

I woke up and decided that I wanted to have another slice of Birthday cake though already woefully full of cake.

Good me: "No you probably shouldn't"

Evil me: "I don't care, I want it and now. Also look what I can do..(does a handstand and starts doing one armed push-ups).

Me: I don't see how that's really im-"

Good me: "No no, he's got a point there.."

My stomach now hurts worse because I listened to one or both of these shoulder angels.

Good me: Laughs like this, "hahahha," or "hehehee"

Evil me: Laughs like this, "Bwahahahahaha!!!!!"

Both of me's now currently balancing on a yoga ball while typing, why? Because some things in life are so great, that no matter who you are or where you go, you just have to do them. That and it's excercise for my overfull tummy.


My first blog, wow, I grow up so fast. Hmm..hey I just realized, I'm level 3, that means I can make a signature with a picture. Yay!

Anyway....I would like to thank a few people for helping me to get here both good and evil......


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