[QUOTE="xXDrPainXx"]Cracked ran a pretty funny article about the 7 types you would encounter at the Gym and mine that I go to almost had them all but the ones that annoy me are the Grunters who need to make loud sounds every rep, The weight belt guy who looks bulked but you never really see him lift or do any cardio, The Advice guy that just seems to tell everyone how to do something whether they are correct or not, The Dripper who is insanely sweaty from just walking into the building, and of course the old guy in tight shorts who hasn't replaced them since the 70's. im the dripper lol. i swear proFUSELY when im working out.
[QUOTE="lonewolf604"]I hate people who sound like they're having sex while lifting too much weight. You have to have controlled breathing....not sound like a maniac. And you have to have good form.....or you can be more prone to injury. I hate the guys who think they're so masculine with their muscles, yet they still have a beer belly. And I hate the small toned guys who brag about their six pack, guess what buddy, you'll never get bigger than that. My motto, go to the gym, have fun, be friendly, don't waste your time, be respectful, don't show off. sonofsmeagle
man i hate the guys that only muscular trait is a 6pack, but its only there because of how underweight they are. Makes me want to kick them in the liver, also guys with muscular upperbodys and chicken legs like AHHHHHHHH you have legs for a reason. my gym is FILLED with chicken legged guys. almost all of them.
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