1. What was your favorite game of 2009? Borderlands, via lan. Great, great times.
2. What do you think was the most underappreciated game(s)? Street Fighter 4, Saboteur, Cryostasis, King Arthur, Call of Juarez Bound in Blood, Kings Bounty Armored Princess
3. What was your biggest disappointment, or least favorite game? Of course the dropping of ded's on modern warfare 2, along with the dropping of pc co-op on ghostbusters. My least favorite game would definately have to be Damnation.
4. What did you discover? it doesn't have to be a 2009 release, it could be as old as you want, but just bought in 2009. Finally grabbed Biowares Jade Empire and finally tracked down a copy of Mafia 1.. love both!
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