qmoney88's forum posts
Why do I get the feeling that because FFXIII is on the X360 now, people are taking it off their list of favorite rpgs? Not long ago I saw on a similar thread that more than 90% of the posts had FFXIII in them. And how can people be excited about FFVersusXIII when they said that the gameplay would be similar to Dirge of Cerberus?
And I'm also impressed with that guy... that Xbox fanboy who listed X360 rpgs... He is a retard The ones that are exclusive to X360 all got negative reviews throughout game sites, and I don't think that bragging about non-exclusive games makes X360 look better.
Well, in my opinion the best rpg coming for the PS3 is Final Fantasy XIII and White Knight Chronicles.
Actually ffversusXIII is supposed to play like a much darker, mature version of kindom hearts with some elements of dirge of cerberus i dont know where anyone got the news that versus is only similar to dirge of cerberus so with that said versus is still at the top of my list with ffXIII right behind it then white knight story, so4, infinite undiscovery, disgaea 3, white knight chronicles, and oddly i am not that impressed with last remnant so far, im not quite sure why everyone is so excited for that game it almost seems too much of a strategy game rather than an rpg but well see.
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