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#1 qmoney88
Member since 2007 • 193 Posts

[QUOTE="gokuofheaven"]i don't believe in 10's...maybe 9.9...but even if that...Bioshock offers no multi-player so it can't be 10/10 unless they reviewed it as just a 1-player title. Either way it's a nice looking game, so i'm not worried about a score. Scores are useless if you already like the game.edflam311

see this logic makes no sense. why detract from a game because it doesn't have MP? If it is a kick ass single player game, it deserves as much credit as an above avergae game with great multi that puts it over the top.

part of a games quality is having the ability to continue to bring the user back and continue playing, with online being the main factor in this part of a game

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#2 qmoney88
Member since 2007 • 193 Posts
If anyone beats me in madden im going to report you for cheating no matter what and get you kicked off home... mwahahahaha
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#3 qmoney88
Member since 2007 • 193 Posts
and by the way if you dont like madden then dont bother posting because i dont wanna hear that you dont like madden, i dont care. just had to get that out of the way
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#4 qmoney88
Member since 2007 • 193 Posts

Jesus for the amount of people that continuously keep asking for league play, i wouldve imagined that by now ea wouldve figured out that if you want more people to play your game for a longer period of time, add some more online features such as league play to keep us gamers more interested, instead of just bein on top of leaderboards, i want to actually go into a real season with real people and have real playoffs, just the thought is extremely exciting. i really hope that sometime in the near future there will be some kinda dlc that will allow us to do this, and i would even been willing to pay for it. what are your guys' thoughts on this?

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#5 qmoney88
Member since 2007 • 193 Posts

so how does 30 fps kill it? like does it freeze at times or something? make it look awkward. APF 2k8 is also 30 fps on the ps3. I am a huge nfl 2k fan, and trust me i know what u mean what apf would be more fun to play. But i decided to wait for madden because of the license as well. I want to be able to play with my team (ravens).

But i only have 2 games for ps3, and i havent even played my ps3 in a while cuz i bought those games at launch. By that you can tell i dont buy games often because i think $60 is rediculous. I've played the other madden games on ps2, 05 - 07, and they were the same game plus a roster update. But i thought a next gen madden might be cool. So is there a difference? Is it worth it? Should i get it?


i would get it man, because since 05 this game has experienced the most changes and is a very fun game... although i will admit i got the 360 version only becuase it would make no sense not to unless all you got was the ps3... but can you blame me? i really wanted to get the ps3 version and i originally had that one preordered but when i found out that the 360 version was going to run at 60 fps and the ps3 was at 30, i had to make what was the hardest decision of my life... haha jk... but seriously i was so mad that i had to get it for the 360, but oh well. Overall though, if all you have is a ps3 this game is by no means compromised just because of freakin frame rate, i only made the decision i did because it would make no sense in getting the inferior version. But im sure next year will be up to par if not better, as soon as ea gets their stuff together

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#6 qmoney88
Member since 2007 • 193 Posts

i want to know because i don't know if i should rahul_rul210

madden 08 is an excellent game, just got it at 12 midnite and i just stopped playin it at 3:30 a.m.... i gotta work at 5 a.m.. you do the math

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#7 qmoney88
Member since 2007 • 193 Posts
lmao maybe gamespot should start a "country wars" forum
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#8 qmoney88
Member since 2007 • 193 Posts

Rugby is 10 X better tha American Football, and Football is 1000000000000X better than American Football.

American Football is like a bizarre freak of nature born from Rugby thats played more slowly (every 10 secs its stopped) and is only appealing to a minority. Rugby and Football (north americans call this soccer) are much more appealing and better sports.

Go Pumas Go Argentina !!!!!!!!!!!


And then you woke up! Rugby and soccer better tnah Football, I laugh at your stupidity, HaHaHa.

Your ignorance is funny. Rugby and Football (soccer) are the 2 most watched events in the world. USA is not the center f the world kid. Just for you info, the Rugby world cup was last years most watched event globally, go suck it up.

Yeah ok, Butt.

the U.S. may as well be the center of the world, noone can stop us!!!!!

Iraq seems to be doing just fine.

actually no... but you can continue to think that, cuz if you honestly believe that iraq has an upperhand in this fight then you are sadly mistaken my friend, or maybe you work with al qaeda, hmm... Dirka Dirka?!!

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#9 qmoney88
Member since 2007 • 193 Posts

[QUOTE="nivasan6"]america has some of the dumbest sports in the world, there is baseball, football, actually it's mostly just those two, but yea you dont need skill for any of them, i thought that people from the crap states are supposed to be tough, why wear all that wussy gear to play a dumb game, where as rugby you dont wear all that sh*t, and dont call your dumb game football, because it is mostly played by your hands, man are people from the crap states stupid lol, and one more thing the people who colonized the states were outcasts from Europe, just think about that Shinedown220

Rugby doesn't have 6 foot 8, 330lb players thats why. and the hitting is so much harder.

alrite mister bad*!@ lets see you strap on some gear and go 2 minutes with any pro football team! what a freakin joke! all you damn foreigners who think their crap dont stink and that soccer owns all! i would love to see any of your rugby douche bags come play some american football or any of your soccer girlfriends to come play a real mans sport because it takes more skill to play football than any of you will ever see on a soccer field

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#10 qmoney88
Member since 2007 • 193 Posts

[QUOTE="rm_fc"][QUOTE="walton13"]As an American who doesn't like madden or "American" football for that matter, I can honestly say that Football is one of the most popular sports in the world. 500 Million people watch the superbowl, and yet theres only 300 million American Citezens... so where'd the rest come from.

To make this clear I am not putting down Football OR Football (Soccer to me), but yes Madden 08 will probably be better this year as they add new things into the mix, but no one can say Football is "dumb" or "unpopular" because The madden series sells about 7 million copies EVERY YEAR.rm_fc

why do u say in the world ???
it doesn't even exist in europ, asia and latin america.
USA is not the world keep this in ur mind

actually yes there is a euro league so you should check ur facts and just because the U.S.A. and europe are the only ones who have football leagues does not mean that there arent other people from other countries who are interested or who would like to get to know the sport a little better, so keep this in ur mind

what i was arguing about is that its not the mostpopular sport in the world and
i know that there are leagues in europ and other countries but when comparing to soccer its nothing in any other country than the US.
did u see any national cups or something ????????????????????????
don't bother answering !!!!!!!!!

who the @!?* cares about some lamo national cup!! Only men can play REAL football not some panzy sport with little ferries dancin around some grass acting like theyre playing a real sport! Get that soccer bull*!@# outta here