Okay now that I have more time on my hands I think I can manage blogs with more content than nonsense. :P I've tried to write this a million times trying to capture how I feel by including other details, but I just can't focus enough to see it through without over analyzing and trying to put things in a precise way.
It was a good day. Weather was ideal. Had a good visit with parents and luckily a friend came along. Had a nice country drive on the way home, saw some old haunts, nature and made some simple stops along the way that made the difference. Feels great to be at home finally and rather naturally relaxed. Thought I wanted to go out and keep it going, but a shower felt great and the jammies even better.
Going to be an early night and it feels good to be "free", though with darkness approaching I must stand gaurd. Its been a long time since I've had a "normal" day and it makes me realise just how long its been and how far off course I have been taken, in some respects.
Took a pee stop in the country and there was an old cemetery cira 1850's across the road. Found this headstone somewhat interesting. Some of you may catch the reference. :P
Rain forecasted the next few days....spring cleaning time me thinks. Trying to get some constructive things done before I reach the weekend and back to workland middle of next week.
Until next time...may the Force be with you.
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