@ConanTheStoner said:
1. I checked your first two links. The first one is actually a bit negative in spots and the second one is far from "overwhelmingly" positive lmao. I'm not sure if you understand what overwhelmingly positive means. Hint: Luke warm reception with hopes for a good game is not what it means.
2. Can't blame me for playing the demos provided and forming an opinion based on that. And no, I love a good battle system that rewards the player for learning its ins and outs. I love 3d beat em ups along the lines of Ninja Gaiden, Bayo, and DMC. I love a good fighting game and those games make you go to work for months to handle their systems well. So no, I'm not in that camp. I don't just write a battle system off for such silly reasons. The battle system in FFXV is as expected. It's got the Nomura touch. It's limp in the same vein as KH. No depth, no oomph, just flat.
3. Nah. They've all been shabby and it's not just the gameplay, the game looks like a performance nightmare.
4. Quite the opposite. I'd love to be proven wrong about this game and I've said that dozens of times over the years regarding this title. I got my start in this series back when FF4 came out. Since then I've played every single player main entry title. I used to base my console purchases on which system was getting the next FF. When these games released it used to be an event. I'd love to have an awesome new FF game!
I have no reason to wish failure upon this game. It's another entry in what was once one of my favorite series. It's a flagship title in a genre that I'd love to enjoy once again. It's basically an action game now and I love action games! I just see the writing on the wall. I could just as easily say that it's you who is desperate to see the game succeed and, given the circumstances, that accusation carries more merit.
@quakeknight1991 said:
I am betting that you would be in love with all the previews if they were negative.
Nah, sorry. I don't parrot what these industry clowns have to say, whether it aligns with my opinions or not.
And really, it's not like I couldn't look around and find negative previews and impressions. I simply don't care.
I’m still confused and not entirely sure what Final Fantasy 15 wants to be. The open-world mechanics and slightly schizophrenic plot make it feel radically different to older FF games. This could alienate some JRPG fans, but personally I’m excited about the direction Square Enix has taken.
The game got off to a slow start and the opening hours were a drudge. But Final Fantasy 15 quickly grew on me. The characters may look ridiculous, but it’s hard not to invest in Noctis and his party’s story after a few hours travelling with them. Combat also started showing its potential once I got my head around some of its more advanced features.
After playing Final Fantasy XV for an hour I came out more optimistic about the game than ever before. I have always been dubious about the overall quality of the game. This is due both to recent Final Fantasy games failing to engage me, as well as the long and storied development history behind this one.
While I obviously can’t speak to the quality of the final game, I can say that it has a strong opening. With no hand holding tutorial sequence or hallway to be pushed through, it appears this Final Fantasy is aimed squarely at critics of the last major single player entry, Final Fantasy XIII. Whether or not the quality of this first hour can be maintained throughout the game, we will all have to wait and find out come this November, but so far so good.
Even if the previews had a few negative points, they had overall a positve impression of the game. By "overwhelmingly" positve, I meant that the vast mayority of previews had a positive first impression of the game.
2. The thing is that even the Platinum demo will be already over 8 months old by the time the game is released. The demo that provides an accurate representation of the final game is like I said the Judgement Disc demo on the Japanese Playstation Store. That said though if you are looking for a game like Ninja Gaiden or Bayonnetta you will not find it in FFXV. FFXV is an action RPG not an hack and slash game. The hack and slash action of the game does not have the depth of something like DMC or Bayonnetta but it has elements that make up for that like party commands, buffs, magic... As for the action combat you can do a basic string of attacks by holding the attack button but you can perform specials by combining the attack button with directional imputs or with delayed imputs. Each weapon category has its own unique set of specials and every single weapon in the "Royal Arms" category has a unique set of specials.
3. From what I have seen in the Judgement Disc demo runs mostly at 30 fps, with just occassionaly going below that. It certainly is running much better than the ps4 version of The Witcher 3 did at release.
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