E3 officially started yesterday with Microsoft's press conference. I only watched half of it since it was at 12:00am (EST) and I had to work at 5am this morning. What I did manage to see - the band that played a Halo song, and a demo of Rock Band - was kind of boring. I was left unimpressed and it seemed to me like all Microsoft did was talk numbers and sales figures. However, I only saw about 30-45 minutes worth of the conference. I have been trying to download it all day but it's been slow. I think I will try again later tonight.
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Nintendo's turn came at 12pm (EST). Out of the three, this conference wasn't the best and it wasn't the worst. I would have to say it places second. There were definitely some great announcements. Mario Kart Wii, release dates for Brawl and Galaxy (all coming this year), Phantom Hourglass, and Metroid Prime 3 demos. However, the announcement of WiiFit really proves how Nintendo's audience is broadening. Which is good for them, but not too appealing for me. Where were the 3rd party titles? What is in store for next year? I found the zapper and the wheel to be neat but nothing very extraordinary and a bit gimmicky. I'd like to see the board from Wiifit used for other games too (I instantly thought of games like SSX or perhaps a Tony Hawk game). I was really hoping for more and I feel like Nintendo did not deliver.
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Sony's press conference began at about 2:30pm (EST). And I was quite surprised, they left me wanting a PS3. Sony nailed it. Even with the absence of games like Final Fantasy XIII and Last Remnant, I was completely sucked in. And that's because Sony stuck to what we all wanted to hear about - games. Not boring charts, sales figures, youtube videos, or pie charts regarding how many people have logged onto wifi. They were all about the games.
The first thing that caught my attention was the puzzle game Echo Chrome which is going to be available through the PlayStation Network. It is a puzzle game that features M.C. Escher-like environments. In it, the player must turn the screen to connect stairs or walkways that previously weren't connected. Very simplistic in design and form and very unique. The puzzles get harder and harder as you progress throughout the game (I assume, from what they showed) up until you find yourself turning the screen at almost every second.
They talked up HOME a lot during the conference. When Sony first announced HOME a while ago, I didn't take too much interest in it. But now that I've seen how far it's progressed, I've realized that it is quite an amazing feature. HOME is actually one of the reasons I want a PS3. Different gaming lounges, new wide open areas, being able to launch single or multiplayer games within home and access to photos (from cell phone or PSP camera) all sound like a very unique and fun way to interact with the rest of the online community.
Other games that piqued my interest were: Haze, Resident Evil 5, Folklore, Heavenly Sword, Uncharted - Drake's Fortune, Infamous and of course Killzone 2.
Uncharted satisfies that want for next-gen graphics with its incredibly realistic facial expressions and beautiful environments, Folklore looked like a great action-adventure game, RE5 I must have since I am a fan of the series. Heavenly Sword, with its large-scale fights, seems like it will provide a great gaming experience. Infamous sounds like fun, and Killzone 2 actually looks almost as good as the fake trailer Sony showed two years ago.
And then there's Metal Gear Solid 4. Now - let me make it clear - I have tried other Metal Gear titles and I have never been able to get into them because I am terrible at stealth games. Howevever, after seeing this trailer I really want to get into them. That trailer was a masterpiece, and I am not even a fan of the series - I can only imagine how the fans must feel.
Last year Sony left me feeling very disappointed and they had a lot to prove this E3 and they definitely pulled it off. Best of the show!
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