My internet works fine most of the time, but not always. There are many rural places within the US that aren't capable of getting a suitable internet connection. Why would Microsoft limit themselves like this? Idiotic attempt to deal with something that is a problem for the developers if this is only about used game sales. My guess is that this is mostly for DRM reasons to cut down on downloaded games. Like Manveer said, "Did you learn nothing from Diablo III or SimCity?".
@Therimight That's how the old SOCOM PS2 games used to be minus the impairments from being hit. Health didn't regenerate and once you died in a round, you were done until next time. Problem is, the majority of gamers don't want that. SOCOM held on to that method of play for a while, but eventually the respawn gameplay took over. This wasn't because it was forced on the gamers, but because the gamers chose it. Like someone else said, there is some give and take. Make the game as realistic as possible with great graphics, sounds, weapons, etc., but keep it fun by letting the gamer remain playing as long as possible.
First off, my wife had to ask if the demo showed was a game. Pretty awesome. Then, the Person of Interest type of information and control was really cool and pretty innovative for a game. I'll be keeping up with this game!
quikdash6's comments