Stay as far back as possible and pick them off 1 by one. Also why are you doing it by yourself, do coop it will be much easier.darkplayer
Iv done the game all the up onto this point all by myself so i wanna finish it like that. If i did do it co-op for the rest of the game would I still get the achievement for beating it on legendary even tho half is beat on single player and haf on co-op
I beat halo 3 on normal but im playing it on legendary and Im on the "ark" mission in halo 3 and im right at the end where you are about to be evacuated by johnson but before he picks you up you gotta kill all the brutes. theres a ton of them and its really hard. any tips would be great! thx
i think the PS3 is headed in the right direction, except the PS3 doesn't have enough good exclusive games compared to the 360. I mean c'mon. MGS 4 and God of war 3, GT 5.... thats only three freaking games, 360 has the best exclusives easily. It will be a close race between the PS3 and 360 but if the 360 keeps spitting out better exclusives then it deserves to win the console war
lol this thread has gone on way to long. obviously the pc is more powerful but i just find consoles more fun to play, plus consoles have better games, but the pc is pretty sweet for gaming as well
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