qupidxoxo Blog
Part 2 of top hardcor wii titles!
by qupidxoxo on Comments
Reason:story looks amazing,gameplay looks fun,and personally im an rpg kinda guy.
Reason:same as Fragile!
Reason:Its a final fantasy game people???,plus the 1st game was good.
14.Spore hero
Reason:with thousands of parts and your mind you can make a one of a kind animal,this game is sure to please anyone who plays it.
Reason:Im a star wars fan and personally I like the clone wars show.This game is a mix of beat em up,and 3rd person platforming.
Reason:just chaos and who dosent like a beat'em up.
Reason:Every else says get it,and they say it plays like pik'min.Pik'min also is none as one of nintendos best RTS(real time stratergy).
Reason:Metroid prime 1=hellish good,Metroid prime 2=Mediocre but still good,Metroid prime 3=Godly graphics and gameplay.Plus did I mention all 3 games are on one disc for 50$
19.Need for speed Nitro
Reason:IDK judge this for youself but it looks to be a good race game,also I put it down to break up all the action.
20.Dragonballz:revenge of piccolo
Reason:Omg this does not even look like a wii game?!?!?!? but it is im keeping my eye out for this one
top hard core wii games to buy this year and video!(that havent released yet)
by qupidxoxo on Comments
1.The conduit
Reason:Great graphics,8 hours of single player time,12player wifi,wiispeak,Rankings.
Reason:Graphics are wow!,Good story,Good game play,unique!.
Reason:Get it if your tierd of brawl,or get it if you were sad that sf4 didnt come to wii this game is sure to please,may include online for american version.
4.silent hill shatter memories
Reason:Good series,can fill your hole if you were sad that wii didnt get Re5.
Reason:this game speaks for it self.
6.Resident evil:dark chronicles
Reason:if you dont want dead space get this,also resident evil has never been bad,graphics are hawt....so it s claire and ada.
Reason:Wow dont **** with us ubisoft I fell for the 1st one...which is ok but it get a 6.0 out of 10...but they look to have made up with this 1,wii+ and the ability to sword fight when ever.Lets see wjho win when someone brings a knife to a gun fight! oyah good graphics.
Reason:story seem very good,graphics are nice.
Reason:this is gonna be a game hat I will play non-stop Look at those pictures and then look at this,note:their is so many of them in this vid,becuase this noob put the game on very hard lmao.but gameplay is gonna be like that :P but with zombies,werewolfs,vampires,and many more.
Reason: I need not say anything but if you played the 1st,then get this one and if you havent then...GO BUY IT!!!!
20!!!! and lmfao
by qupidxoxo on Comments
So today Im 20....feels good,Ilove the fact of getting older and wiser it makes me thank god for not calling me home yet,,and letting me live another day,so thanks for him letting me live this long and thank u guys for the B-day wishes.
and oyah lmfao So I was playing majoras mask on my collectors disc...and mad it to the part were you go back human.......which only take about 20mins and so here I am confronting the evil skull kid and he says
"where did that trumpet comes from"
then you remember the song of time Zelda teachess you.
So here I am playing then it ask me do I want to save,so im like yes!!! the disc didnt say unable to read because that is wat it does all the time,so i click yes then it says u need 21 spots to save!!! and I was like noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, so in order to get 21 spotsa i need to erase my wind waker or melee file....but which 1?????????? I havent beat wind waker yet and its to much to erase melee.
Beating majoras mask!
by qupidxoxo on Comments
I just started a new file on my Gamecube version of Mm,and Hopefully it will let me save after I revert back to my human form......it seems to stop working,I want to beat this game for a 2nd time.....so wish me luck.
Good and bad about majoras mask
by qupidxoxo on Comments
I am or should be known as atleast one of the people in the world to have beating OoT like 15x,and ive only beat majoras mask 1x
Long game.
Lots of side quest.
Transformations!,with my favorite being the Zora link(ninja style).
Graphics are still great.
the great fairy sword.
Feirce Deity link=demi god.
Boss fights.
finding all 22 mask.
and now for the bad
Its hard to get every mask.
The game is repetetive,becuase you only have 3 days to beat each temple.But becomes easier when you learn the slow time song,and the song of time.
Upgrading is hard because every temple has a shatterd fairy,and you haft to find like 12 of them to upgrad,and most of the time it will be hard to do this.
If and I say if! you have the feirce deity link mask at the end of the game,the last boss will dissapoint you.
musical scores arent as good as OoT.
Giant Link mask is only usable on one boss.
The snow temple will dirve you nuts!!!!!!!!!
Marvel vs Capcom2 for wii.....or wait who the f??? Tatsunoko vs Capcom!!
by qupidxoxo on Comments
Yeah Finally,this game will hit NA shores and shelfs pretty soon,Thank you capcom now I can own this and MvC2 when they come out,this game is sure to tickle my fancy unlike the scrubb game known as sf4 were people just crouch and do light punch all day and call it a combo???? so suck it sf4 a true fighting game is on its way just like Snk vs capcom this game is sure to be a big hit.with a unique battle systema nd pretty cool characters.
Joke of the day!!
by qupidxoxo on Comments
So here is the story of Mr.Rabbit and Mr.Bear
Mr.Rabbit and Mr.Bear hate each other,so one day Mr.Rabbit says
"Hey Mr.Bear.....Im tierd of all this fighting lets be friends!"
and Mr.Bear repiles
"ok Rabbit I guess I can be nice for a chance!"
So after which Mr.Rabbit and Mr.Bear decided to go for a walk in the forest when,suddenly they came across a magic troll fishing,the magic troll looks at Rabbit and bear and says.
"Usally I'm only found by one person,an I only give that one person 3 wishes,but since the two of you found me Ill grant you 3 wishes a peice."
So bear yells
"Ill go first........and my First wish is that....all the bears in the forest were female bears!!"
Rabbit looks at bear and says.
"I wish for a Helmet!"
Bears says
"why the hell would you waste a wish on a helmet,never mind......For!! my second wish I wished all the bears in the US! were female bears."
Rabbit looks at bear,and says his second wish.
"I wish for a motorcycle!!!"
The magic troll and mr.Bear looks at rabbit,bear speaks with anger saying
"Why the hell would you wish for something as dumb as that,you stupid!!!!"
Then bear speaks to the troll and says his last wish
"I wished That all the bears in the world were female!!!!!! bears"
Rabbit looks at Bear,looks at the troll while he slowly puts his helmet on and jumps on his new bike and drives off! he says
"My last wish is that mr.Bear was gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Moral of the story somethings are just to good to be true.
E3 predictions
by qupidxoxo on Comments
Ok so we all kow what Nintendo is gonna pull out of their big fat wallets!!! a sales board!! showing the spike in wii and ds sell,also showing off the software sells for the respective consoles,this which usally last about 7mins of talk then......Nintendo Ceo Reggie Fe-amis is gonna call out!!! Mr. Iwata the president of Nintendo!,He to will confirm the sales of system and software sells.
Now here come the good but bad part...Games their gonna show off
1.wii sports resort
2.SHOVEL WARE!!!!!!!!!!!
4.High voltage secret wii projects= 2 of them
5.New wario ware
6.Dsiware commercial
7.Silent hill
then That will be the end for Nintendos keynote,as for Nintendo games being show cased on the floor 1st and 3rd party here are what game I think will be playable.
Redsteel 2
Zelda spirit tracks
Resident evil Dark chronicles
and maybe more
hardest game ever!!!
by qupidxoxo on Comments
Dont touch the walls......and i keep doing it lol i beat it though after like 3 tries
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