God of war is an exciting series and full of rich content and mythos. You would think this would be enough to make an amazing movie. I'll try and remain opomistic but video games that become movies are rarely very exciting, deep, or thought provoking. They are rarely ever that good either. Can we say Bloodrayne?
I see where you are coming from. There is definitely a market out there for handhelds I just don't fall into that demographic. If you also consider the fact that the ps vita is the same price or higher depending on the model you get, than the ps3 does not make sense to me. You can do more with a home console in my opinion.
I don't know why they continue to make handhelds. I haven't played a handheld since the original gameboy and sega gamegear. The problem for me is I don't like straining my eyes trying to see those tiny screens. I would much rather play my playstation 3 on a large tv where i can easily see things. Plus those handhelds are way overpriced.
Whe I heard the rumors with the new god of war game I was peretty excited. When I heard about the multiplayer I actually thought it would be a co-op with Kratos brother Deimos. Yeah i was a bit disappointed with what was revealed. It seems like all they keep making is prequels to be safe. There need to be some risks being taken. There needs to be either a new protagonist or a new ip but they are seriously starting to drive this franchise into the ground. The series is becoming stale stale stale.
I have always supported sony because they were a company I always believed in. I have owned every sony console since its inception in the mid 90's. I bought 2 ps3's because my first one yellow lighted and sony didnt do much to help me. I am going to approach this next gen cautiously because I was disappointed with sony this current generation. They are really going to have to convince me that the 4th playstation is worth buying. I did after all spend over 1000 dollars just on buying ps3 consoles and accessories. I'm also tired of the redesign being better than the original and working better. I understand that technology gets better over time and maybe through trial and error they can create a better system. All it does though is make you want to wait for the redesign to come out at a better price. If sony wants me back they are going to have to put up or shut up. I'll be watching....Am i the only one pissed off that sony created a redesign that got rid of backward compatability for the ps2? I was really pissed off that i spent so much for the backward compatability....to ultimately not have it or my save files for that matter that were lost when my old system died. Get it together sony.
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