I have one question.out of curiosity, Arkham origin got 6 and how come the call of duty games get the said score even after being repetitive and short story campaign and online component has not much of variation between them:
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 8.5 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 8.5 Call of Duty: Black Ops 9 Call of Duty: Black Ops II 8
@hiphops_savior GTA 5 is an excellent game, No doubt. But i like to know more about wii Party U because i liked the previous one so much on Wii. Regardless of disappointing review i will buy if i like what i see. I dint like the journey and beyond two souls w/o move controller will not be fun. I played heavy rain with move and i have to say i really enjoyed it with those controls. But beyond two souls i can only buy when the price drops because it is not looking like a 60$ game
Cannot agree or disagree with the review until I see game myself in some video review, By the way it is a video game which you play and win or loose ( Competitive play) in this game unlike Journey ( Hovering ghosts in Sahara) or Beyond two souls ( Cut scenes and Cinematic with QTE)
I have so many games to play on ps3, Easily i can wait for about 2 years and then i will buy Ps4. I am only able to play on my day offs from work so can not play as much as i would like to................. Besides i have other consoles which will satisfy my gaming needs for 2 more years and by then there will be a price drop f Ps4
@slimtidder i think they could make an adventure shooter game like tomb raider with mix of mass effect and have more control over what we want to do and have quicklime events included for multiple outcomes, i guess the game is still very good but i will not consider it excellent.
heavy rain was interesting for me because it was with PS Move controller, i doubt it will be fun with android. please do not tell me i have to play this with DS3 controller, i do not want to.
@jokingjoey14 try playing some 2D Platformers... like games on WII. I usually do that once i get bored of FPS and TPS on ps3 i play WII 2D Platformer or VITA games, it gets me back to Shooter Genre. Because some times i just cant play same kind of games over and over
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