@inkyspot usually the gfx card and ram you setup in pc for rendering high quality images is always higher is price and spec than the ones for gaming. when you set up a pc powerful enough to render and run max and maya plus zbrush or any high end package take note of that because setting up for gaming is cheaper than for creating 3D content. One of the reason is the poly count in content while creating needs more powerful pc and then later ploys can be downsized for gaming hence the pc has to be stronger. even the particles created needs more ram and gfx capability since its always high in the making stage as compared to final outbut
@AMG EA and capcom only stopped because they want more money.
EA - Needs more money by having games mostly play online so they can get more money by mico transactions.
Capcom want to release more games on ps4 and x1 like dead rising because they get paid for making exclusives and simply the demand has risen. and yea to lock 30% to 40 % of the content so they can get money off the DLC. the only good thing they will do is bring monster hunter to 3ds
@Gamer_4_Fun you sure about that because i used to play for hours How did we get to 3rd part if it wasn't with the same series and by rockstar north where is 1st and 2nd part gone then.
@SurlyPotato The Touch pad on dual shock 4 controller and and nothing more i guess.. :) but they still have the evil eye which will make you move Hence the name is move controller
@Gamer_4_Fun Actually it first came out on PC from the top down view, Agreed Liberty city was a kick ass game and may have made it popular, but the roots are derived from PC even before the PSX console release so the GTA gained Fame from a PC Launch..
i say better get a good PC gaming rig if you like playing online and in case you are interested more in offline gaming then buy consoles or if you want to play exclusives. I myself am considering either PS4 or Build a gaming rig not sure at this point, Waiting for the reviews of how PS4 turns out.
**** EA till they improvise and make the dead space horror, Dead Space is the game for OFFLINE CAMPAIGN SHITHEAD MOOORE not every game needs ONLINE MULTI PLAYER.
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