@Barrakas21 If you dont like it don't buy and don't come and comment here, I have enjoyed all the assassins creed so far except AC3 and looking forward to Edward story in black flag
@WTF1555 @marcheegsr @sugi-pula @bankai_456 I Live Outside US and the PS Vita Wifi only version is cheaper than 3DS XL and almost the same price as Regular small 3DS. plus wih one game and 4GB memory card. Its already cheaper here now and i just purchased and enjoying it, I dont like the game resolution and screen of 3DS but its still a good device. and more JRPG games if you like them more. if not then PS VIta is good enough.
i rather jailbreak my samsung android s3 phone and attach DS3 or x360 Controller, or buy ouya or better buy N 3DS i own ps vita already. So the shield thing is not worth the price for me. EXPENSIVE
Project Spark should have come to ps vita, would be fun with touchscreen to add tertrain and modify the grassy and hard terrain. but since its Xbox good for them but there is no touchpad in xbox1...
@johnnybravo29 because the native Indians are Dark, bro there has been so many movements of tribes from Iran Yemen, Nepal, Turkey. China. That is why there are fair skinned people in india in present day India. But historically The natives are dark skinned.
@KBFloYd @zzamaro you guys are comparing apples with oranges. Vita is a handheld and WIIU is home console. stop comparing the two. Many people like yakuza game series in japan but in US people like more of Halo or God of War. If pikmin sold great in japan doesn't mean it will be sold great all over the world. its the same I am not the fan of JRPGS which are so much popular in japan and now gaining popularity in US doesn't mean i am wrong its just preference. if you want to compare then it should be 3DS with Vita.
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