@brainiac1988 but family gaming compared to top of all game console,, no no, I agree its good for family gaming since there is not much violence and everything is happy happy going... but Wii is not better than PS4 and Xbox
@cynical30 @vashtricham so was sonic on sega system, but after dreamcast they dint make consoles because the market for sonic is not as its used to be games changes, PC games like wolf 3D and quack, doom duke 3D rise of the triad classic prince of Persia were top games of that time.. doesnt mean ppl still play these games games changes overtime and gamers get bored of seeing same concept over and over again like COD, may ppl are fed up of same gameplay... I grew up playing double dragon Cadillac and dinosaur wonder boy supermario and contra (NES) doesnt mean i will still want to shell even 30 dolars on these kind of games again and again.. Wii only has mario and mario.. other consoles have more than that, Heck even sega dreamcast had variety of titles .....
@johnaom @AlexFili mario shoot the monkeys (Donkey kong) LOL they only have mario mario dance, mario fart mario fight (Tekken tag2) Hhahahahhahahaahaha
@FarginIcehole @b74kd3th so you are comparing mario with battlefield halo kill zone gears of war , infamous and on top of that you are saying WiiU has better exclusives than PS and XboX,,, wakeup or you on drugs... LOL
@garysingh34 @Scandals123 @dlCHIEF58 Wii had good Motion-Controller and the titles were more in numbers such as resident evil chronicles and the likes.. if Nintendo wants to jump in the console war they either need unique hardware such as Xbox kinect or need more exclusive titles except mario something for the shooter crowd... like gamecube once was a challanger to playstaion 2...
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