@stan_boyd its not made or published by blizzard if you watched the video it said in the beginning this is a entirely fanmade project and blizzard basically said you can make this but we'er not helping you
@arod628 wait it cant be cause it says that this whole game is a entirely fan made game and blizzard is not publishing or making it in the video blizzard just said you can make it but we're not helping you at all
@vengefulwilberg @radcrab123 i dont trust microsoft they already screwed us over giving us ONE Big middle finger of a Xbox also it says on the xbox one preorder fine print on gamestop's preorder page,"Remember:the Xbox One is owned by microsoft and the features of the Xbox One may be changed by the developers at anytime".
@vengefulwilberg same i cant trust them anymore oh gosh Man you and me need to make a bunker gets snacks and arm it with pew pew lasers cause XBOX ONE FANBOYS COMING!!
radcrab123's comments