HOW DID MASS EFFECT 3 OR DISHONORED NOT WIN? i played journey i didnt know what to do and it was BORING dishonored, mass effect 3, or guild wars 2 should've won not this game where you walk around in a desert being bored personally i think dishonored should've won
great blame the video games again Now tell me NRA Why are you blaming video games on a shooting WHEN THE GUY HAD A MESSED UP CHILDHOOD AND WAS DEPRESSED HIS WHIKE LIFE AND COMMITED SUICIDE! so your blaming videogames and movies for him having a messed up childhood? YOU GUYS STOP BLAMING VIDEOGAMES THE GUY WAS SCREWED UP GOSH!
in single player zombiU has permanent death so you have to be another character when you die also the game has a really nice multiplayer zombies vs survivors mode its really good if you ask me
radcrab123's comments