Cool, thanks for the answer
rafc84's forum posts
Hi everyone
i have a PSN+ account...
which is running out in a few weeks, aaaaaaand i wont renew it right away because im going on holidays... but i will renew it when i come back... so i will have a few weeks where i wont be a member of psn+
so i have the following question
I know i can keep the games i bought in the store, but do i still keep my free monthly games that i downloaded the last months?
@playgamezo544: Yeah me too
without much change in them i still get the new ones every year... doesnt make much sense... but i love this games hahaha
Hi everyone
Knowing that fifa 16 and NBA2K16 are coming out soon, i just have one questions, are the points (fifa coins) and NBA (points) transferable????? does anyone knows?
Cuz i play this 2 games a lot... and now i will have to start all from scratch.... for the 16 versions...
I have it for ps4 and runs perfect....
i dont know... maybe delete it and download it again? maybe something happened in the process...
@ewalthour: Yeah, same to me, actually, the demo kept me away from buiyng the game so far... is to arcade-ish in the driving, and i dont feel a difference between cars... they all slide and you dont get the feeling of actually driving, more like hovering....
so yeah, i will keep away until i can pick it up for free in my library :D
do you have a club in driveclub? maybe you can add me if you want, maybe we can race every now and then
my PSN is Rafcph
(i have my own club so far, but only 2 persons)
Well i dont know the prices...some times are in sale or what not
in my opinion (of the games i have)
Rogue legacy is awesome
dead nation is cool also and you can play co-op
steamworld dig is good (got it for free, that gives extra points)
mercenary kings is quite cool, kind of the good old metal slug games :D
Hi there
yesterday i tried the demo of The Crew, i was kind of looking fowards to it, because i own driveclub and if the Crew was better i will change to the crew... but since the beginning of the demo, i felt that the gameplay/controls were not for me.
the game has a good idea, seems interesting, you can customize your car, etc... but i think the gamplay will keep me away from this game for a while
you start with a pick up truck, which its so hard to control and it seems that slides more than anything else, then you get another car...the same... seems to slide instead of been able to drive...and so on... you cannot feel the weight of the car or much difference between cars (at least what i experienced)
i played all the prologue (i think there is where the demo ends) and everything seems quite cool... but the gameplay its just not for me (i like the gameplay of driveclub waaaaaaaaaaay better, and im sticking to driveclub for now)
just want to say this is my personal opinion...
what do you think about the game?
Yeah, hit the right part of the touchpad for the photo mode and the left part if you want the car to be reset into the track... in case you spin and dont wanna wait :D
Yeh i played rayman as well, pretty good for 2 players as well
now i got mercenary kings and dead nation
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