This is coming from a level 7? come on man you should know better.thats because the ps3 sucks
rahstar's forum posts
That thing about MGS4 taking up a whole Blu-Ray disc is crap I played the game and it goes for like 20 hours and I thought to myself GTA4 was a bigger game.leperphiliac
I logged in after a 6 month hiatus just to tell you ^^^^^^ to STFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My blog -->
Basically if you didnt know shane (over at gametrailers) accused "ALL" ps3 users of having there controllers in a bunch over the comparison videos. He goes on in his blog to complain about it, but he keeps making comparison videos. I wrote a blog on my response to his blog. Since you guys always say "BLOG IT" in the forums i did that but i want you guys to read it and comment and give your opinions. Its only two paragraphs. Thank you for your time.
P.S. please try and keep your comments intelligent even if you disagree.
^^ Ihave the exact same tv
[QUOTE="chex81"]if developers stop making idiotic ideas like loading 4.8GB's of data for a game (DMC4) to the HDD to save on loading i will buy more games...i was all excited to get DMC4 for my PS3, but that really ticked me off.
otherwise im more than willing to support PS3
Few things bud,
1. It's an option, you don't have to load it to your Hard-Drive if you don't want to.
2. If you chose to, there are no loading time whatsoever which mean: No Loading Times. (I personally love the idea).
Even if it isnt optional its not a game killer. Why would you cry about something as small as this. I think its a great idea to cut down on loading times. I mean the pc does it. I think they should continue to do what it takes to make the game experience flawless.
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