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raienbrasa Blog

Finally hoem.

Today I finished up my geography class by owning the last exam (not nearly as well as I owned the others but whatever). I only did 1/3rd of the assignment last night because I got extremely lazy, but I knew I could do it and escape with a perfectly acceptable A for the whole class. ;D

Then I took a nap while Dad drove through 2/3rds of Tennessee (that's way too much, btw) and packed my stuff up right before he showed up. Packed in, ate at Wendy's, and got on the road. Back home now, and I finally get to love on my dog as much as I damn well please. xD

But the parents volunteered me for a dentist appointment in the morning, guh. -_-

Anyway, the Refuge is going really well! Everyone I really wanted to show up has already done so EXCEPT YOU SPACEY. Being all our normal people without foreign-ish mods who don't get's so ballin.

That's allz! Shorty blawg.

Refuge, Icon, and Moar

First off, new icon additions! Mai and Ty Lee from Avatar, Maes Hughes and Roy Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist, and Britney Spears from South Park! :D

Second, if you haven't heard of the Avatar Refuge, it's a forum for anyone looking to get away from this insanity of mods, noobs, etc. If you wanna know the URL, PM me. ;) Wiselad started it and it's mostly Disciples of the Dragon, and other cool people. There's a subforum specifically for spoiler threads, so if you're worried about hiding from (post-Boiling Rock) spoilers, just don't visit that subforum! :D

Oh and I made the site's banner yay me you'll love it or something.

Class goes on.

Well I'm 2/3rds of the way through my mini-term geography class, and I'm going home next Wednesday. We had our second test yesterday (first one last Wednesday) and both went well. I got a 101 on the first one and a 103 on the second, so I think I'm set. I also got a 30/30 on both assignments we turned in with the exams, even though I didn't do the whole thing this week. Hehe, I did 2 of the 3 required, but I put a lot into those 2, so I guess she noticed and let it slide, gave me a 30/30 anyway.

Monday I had a friend over who had never seen the original Star Wars trilogy, and I forcefed it all to him in one sitting. I don't think he really appreciated it as much as I would've liked him to, but give him time and he'll see the beauty.

He and I also went to see the new Narnia movie on Friday, and it was BALLIN!

Speaking of balls, Manchester United got pretty lucky all day yesterday in the UEFA Champions League finals against fellow English team Chelsea. As a ManU fan I was pretty happy, but I won't lie, Chelsea probably should've won. It came down to a penalty kick shootout and the Chelsea captain, about to put in the goal to win it for them, slipped on the rainy grass and missed. Bahaha. :D Cristiano Ronaldo, who some people say is the best player in the world right now, of all the people in the lineup, missed his shot for ManU. Freaking Portuguese. -_-

One more geography assignment to do, one more exam to own, and I'm back home to see my dog, my friends, and my bed. Yes, the dog comes first. :P

New Bannahr.

Like it says, I gots a new banner up top. Whachya think?
I kinda like it, kinda don't...but that's because I made it and you're always critical of yourself when you make something, hehe. :x

Took me 4 tries to get the text the right size and in the right spot. That cut-off with the Profile tabs is really annoying.

But yeah, that's a quote that I pretty much love from this show. So true. :D

The Boredom Rages On...

So, most of my friends left Knoxville when the semester ended, but I'm stuck here taking a geography class for the month. In my own room.

In other words, I'm as lonely as Lance Armstrong's non-cancerous testicle.

In fact, on Sunday, my primary form of entertainment was eating. >_>

BUT, yesterday, I got a ride out to the mall with one of my friends that's from Knoxville, and I got GTA IV. I have yet to really get into it, as I saw my roommate playing it before semester ended, and that tends to suck the fun out sometimes. I also have my first Geo exam tomorrow, and an assignment due, so I'm telling myself, no Xbox until that's done. Problem is, I don't make myself do the schoolwork, so I just sit here doing nothing. xD

Other fun things also happened today! The site where I download my anime finally put up Code Geass R2, or season 2. I caught up today when I got out of class, all 6 episodes, and it's going as strong as ever. Cliffhanger at the end of each episode, basically, and that's Code Geass's style. xD

Then I wondered to myself, "When's the new Death Cab album coming out, again?" and checked on Wiki. Yeah, I'm that good. It released today. So I got on Ruckus (the school-suggested/allowed program) and downloaded it. The album is Narrow Stairs and I think my first-impression-favorite-track is Long Division.

Hopefully GTA, Death Cab, Bleach, Code Geass, and Halo can get me through this...I kinda dropped Ouran High School Host Club, because while I did laugh, it didn't grab me like it ought to. Most comedy anime don't grab me, so it's not like it's that one show, though. I've still got the episodes I downloaded and will probably watch them every now and then.

Off to, uhh, "do geography homework" because that's totally what I'm gonna do. Right. e.e

Bannage #2

Nalesnik's also been banned.

Screw it, these bans plus the apparently spoiler-to-the-last-detail book coming out, means I'm done on the forums until after the finale. :|

In Honor of Hydra.

Dear noobs: I hate you, screw you, die off from this forum.

The above message is, I'm sure,


Also, everyone honor Maple's request that we not post for 72 hours, for Sarge. I might not be posting for even longer.

Epic adventure. Epic. Right. -_-

So I told you guys in the last blog that I had a FUN time yesterday, and yeah, it sucked. Completely. xD

Yesterday was the first class of mini-term, the semester between Spring & Summer semesters. Not only that, it was the day everyone had to get out of their dorm halls unless graduating or doing mini-term. And it was the day the hall which is housing me for mini-term opened.

So I got up at 8 AM and went to my 9 AM class. My 3-hour 9 AM class. So yeah, I got out at noon, and by the time I got back to my dorm, my roommate's parents had packed most of my stuff into their van. We added a little more and left our room to move my stuff into my new room. PROBLEM!

The guy in my room hadn't moved out, or it hadn't been cleaned by housekeeping, so it wasn't ready. We couldn't leave my stuff in the van, because we had to get the roommate packed up. So I dropped everything off in the weight room of my new dorm hall, and had them lock the door, and hoped it would all be there when I got back. Things I left in there: $800 DSLR camera, $800 in camera lenses, $400 in Xbox 360 stuff, TV, trunk with money and social security stuff in it, and all my DVDs/games. So yeah, I was freaking out for the rest of the day.

We got my roommate packed up and we checked out, and then he dropped me off. 5:00 rolled around and my room still wasn't ready, but I had 2 friends show up to help me move it all up. We took it all up in like 2 trips, so bringing them along helped a lot. What sucked was that the outside doors and the elevator were locked and could be unlocked with an ID card registered for the building. Yeah, mine wasn't registered then, so we kept having to wait for a staff member to get the elevator, or to let us back inside, or whatever.

But I got moved in fine, and have the room to myself...Scooted the 2 beds together into a massive bed, muahaha! But man, it's boring being alone, and I still haven't gone to get groceries, so I'm living off a pizza I got last night. :x

Yeah so yay me...?

Out f'real.

Yeah so I can't stand the noobs, and I can't stop telling them they're idiots, and apparently it's hurting their feelings, so I've ben TOSed twice and I'm kinda expecting more. So I'm definitely just taking a break, suspending myself. Will still blog, probably later tonight, as there's a FUN story to be told. -_-

TLDR: Today sucks, getting off forum.