@homegirl2180 It is, from the platform point of view. Take for example Halo is hold only by Xbox, or Heavy Rain is hold only by PS3. And so if u want 2 play them u have 2 buy first their consoles.
Truth is we all have our favorite rig. Why fight between ourselves when the real problem is this kind of companies that try to monopolize on a brand. They should try to release on every platform so people can play the game they like with the rig they have. We all have that game that we wanted to play but could not... <.>
Dishonored is a masterpiece. It brings back true stealth with the decision on how you act on that stealth ( will I stealth my way from the top of the building or will i go in the pipes as a fish ). The hot girl is right, the genre has be lost to hybridisation. Long live Dishonored style LONG LIVE BETHESDA!!!!
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