@gamingdevil800: nah, pretty sure the author is pissed cuz he's salty about his mistake when he thought the game wouldn't sell and refused the percentage. The new fans from the game thing is just the icing on the cake. It serves as a good reason for interviews though.
@Viral-venom13: Nothing in the bad just means the bad parts are not too significant, and also doesn't mean the good is good enough to warrant a 10
You see this in all kinds of artistic grading. I'm an art student, and an assignment that the instructors praise to high heaven still doesn't get a full mark, it's just not excellent enough to be called perfection, and this reviewer feel that way about this game
@ENVYotb73: How do you think ppl would sell you on a game they haven't played yet lol?
You seem to be one of those ppl who are afraid of changes.
I am glad they changed the formula, GoW games are good, but they havegotten stale with almost the same damn thing over and over again. Ppl rage when a series follows the establish formula again and again, but then rage when it stops doing so :))))))))))). I'm absolutely sure that ppl would rage hard if this GoW still follwed the previous formula.
New GoW still has the cinematic feel and the brutality as the previous games, just with a different gameplay formula, which . If you gripes that now it explore a story rather than mindless hack n slash, then do take note the first GoW game told an excellent Greek tragedy, and I bet they would've made a detailed story if the tech and budget at the time allowed them to, might even be st closed to what's coming. After that the series only had shitty stories that's just there to give context.
Say, why do you think Resident Evil 4 wasn't called Escort Shooter, or RE7 called Resident Modern Horror?
If you don't like the change, you can just not play it, or rent it to see how it goes
@srinivas: you play this game like a souls game and say you know how this game was meant to be played? lol watch this guy pls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pS0vGOCTwyg&t=1s
raitomizumi's comments