ralphster's forum posts
I love Windows 8 on my laptop that doesnt have touch screen functionality.I really like the multi-tasking function for apps.
Does the general public even know that theres a new Wii coming out?I dont think theres a hype at all..
NFS turned to crap this gen.I dont think EA cares about the franchise at this point.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpURRW80LnMThis is amazing stuff!
Are you serious with me Bioware?I spent over 100 hours replaying the whole series and making different decisions to see different endings for Mass Effect 3 and for what?Its all the same ffs.Stupid f****** Godchild shows up and screws up everything.My Shepard would never agree with that a$$hole but they didnt give us a choice.I took Ashley as one of my squadmates so HOW THE **** did she end up with Joker at the end.I played the multiplayer to increase my Galactic Readiness rating only to find out it doesnt make a difference.Plus all three endings were practically the same.
I avoided every Mass Effect related topics on the internet to avoid spoilers and we get this crap.I also hate the way that the kid refers to Shepard as "the Shepard".F*** you kid and f*** you Bioware. /rant
Ok I know some of you think that chat-up lines doesn't work but as long as they are funny they are nice ice breakers.These are lines that I have tested and have worked:
1.Did it hurt?When the angels dropped you from heaven?(Success rate:95%)
2.Is your name Gilette?Because your the best a man can get?(Success rate:50%)
3.*Tug your shirt*Do you know what this is?Its boyfriend material(70%)
These are just a few that I've tried.Of course the success rate will differ from your experience.
*Tip:Use these on girls that looks like they have a good sense of humour*
WARNING:These lines are just ice breakers so dont expect to get into somebodys pants straight away.Use wisely.
Happy hunting,OT.
I farted in the middle of meditation during religion class when I was 10.People didn't even laugh they were so serious which made it embarrasing:lol:
its too cool for school:cool:
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