[QUOTE="ramey70"][QUOTE="elpoep"][QUOTE="ramey70"][QUOTE="WickeeKing"][QUOTE="ramey70"]Do you people have any idea how many billions of dollars Sony would have to lose to even think about filing for bankruptcy?elpoep
No. Do you? Oh, and Sony isn't exactly the stellar performing company people seem to think it is - the Computer Entertainment division props up certain other sections of Sony which aren't performing well, and now that its underperforming....
Actually, Sony's movie and consumer electronics divisions are performing very well. In fact, their games division has posted heavy losses over the last several quarters while the movie, consumer electronics, and partnership with Ericsson has kept them posting quarterly profits. They haven't posted a quarterly loss overall in quite some time. Poorly performing companies don't post profits nor see their stocks surge over a 6 month trend.
TSkTSkTSk, actually if you look at the Sony ticker SNE you'll see that in a year there has been no lift to EPS and the stock barely bounced back= no earnings for a year! Compared to NTDOY you'll see more than a marginal difference.
With the next sales quarter comming around there will definatley be sales ratio issues, not to mention the issues they have already with upper management shifts.
There bond rating was already lowered, they've closed down several factories, continue to fire staff and have executives bailing after the launch of the PS3!!!??!!
I'd say sell Sony short. I've calculated Sony's fair market price per share to be $49.
And if you look at their 2y ticker you'll see it's 20 points higher. Further out of 5 recommended trends according to analysts there are 2 strong buys for SNE, 2 Buys, and one hold. None for sell or strong sell. You seem to know something most analysts don't.
I do know something that most analysts don't know. IF you are capable of running a multiple regression analysis for those two years you will see no certainty in correlation to back those numbers.
From a technical analysis alone there is no reasonable trend to suggest strong performance, a fundamental analysis will prove that Sony has pumped up there accruals and PS3 on store shelves will = very low Q2 earnings that Bloomberg was expecting this last Q1.
Last September Sony fell $5!!! that is a lot of points before sucha large launch. If you have a bunch of casual internet less risk averse investors hoping on Ameritrade listening to Kramer you will see people taking that "buy" --
If you want to put your money where your mouth is I'll have my boys letter up a "Put" contract for you for (how manty shares of )SNE.
Why would I do that? Surley you would know that there are much better places to invest than common stocks correct?
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